Angus struggled to move even his little pinkie toe as his body was being restricted by a sometimes annoying little parasite that can get on his nerves at time. He realized that this was one of the down sides of sharing a body and mind with someone that also has the control to completely take over his body! The large man grumbled silently inside of his mind as Pharona just giggled slightly at Angus's crankiness, she knew he meant well inside her own safety, but she likes to explore and have fun at times. Plus, she also really wanted to talk to all these parasites surrounding this place, it seemed that a strange amount was all congregating at one point and this was actually getting Pharona excited as the most exciting thing she has experienced was when she had accidentally brought upon a pack of raccoons by giving one of them food. Things only started to get better as more and more parasites continued to come all towards one point! She just couldn't hold her excitement as some book talked openly towards the rather unfortunate Egret. Angus on the other hand felt slightly sorry for the Egret, he knows that they enforce the law and maybe a bit too strictly, but they are merely doing their job and with the amount of people coming along just to make fun of him made Angus slightly angry, reminding him of his past and he knew that he needed to stop this. "Pharona... Release me. [i]Now[/i]." The parasite was actually startled once his host made that kind of tone, she had only heard him his that tone a few times inside of his life and she would rather not have this big lug angry at her as she did genuinely like her host. "Sorry Angus," whispered Pharona as she gave control back the control of Agnus's own body. The large, built man started to gently carve a way through the crowd and into the circle of strangers that were picking on this unknown man. He stood to his full height of eight feet and two inches, everyone suddenly noticing that this man was only two feet smaller than the Gigan. Angus coughed into his hand before speaking with his rather deep voice and tried to sound as peaceful as possible. "I'm sorry to barge upon this strange gathering of interesting people and I honestly don't know on how this whole situation came to be so violent, but I would like for this whole scene to stop." Angus stated, he tried to look at everyone eye to eye, trying to convey how serious he is actually being. "We can all avoid this conflict if we just try to remain calm, and especially if the Gigan would try to unhand the man." Angus tried to look as professional and serious as possible, but he was being undermined in that tone as currently Pharona was sitting atop of his shoulders, kicking her feet slightly into the air.