[@Grey] So you're trying to convince me that: - Magicians are Chevys - Espers are Teslas - Hybrids are Prius - and Normals are just Hondas? [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1509680_919949308049538_950519259814322006_n.jpg?oh=24dd8564919cd376bbc78570905685e5&oe=55B8F441&__gda__=1438080685_a1141b0b07a7571f2c21fe63e3891b61[/img] [quote=@chukklehed] now we just have to figure out who is who. I vote Anderson for Cabbages [/quote] XD Anderson the Cabbage Patch Kid. rofl Its actually the first one and its probably not the same way you're thinking of either.