Xavier "What th-," was all Xavier had to say as he saw Nigel about to [i]shoot[/i] him, quickly backing away in fear, Cassandra's form sliding with his shadow. Even when Caroline came up he shrunk away, to confused and terrified to think properly. Cassandra drew him into her embrace, deliberately ignoring Caroline in favor of easing Jackson's worries. Once he seemed sufficiently calm, Cassandra then looked up at the 3 mages, giggling as she thought of Caroline's demands. "I'm whoever my prince commands me to be, and the name he's given me is Cassandra. A rather fine name, isn't it?" Her tone was light and slighly mocking, as if she were talking to children. She began to idly mess about with Xavier's hair, her demeanor being one of amusement and mystery. "As for getting away from him, that's rather impossible, given as we're bonded together by the mind and the soul. Ask your trigger-happy friend over there to scan us, he'll find us quite entertwined, I'm sure." Looking at Nigel, her gaze and demanor went from light, and airy, to Intense and full of great rage. "Speaking of, if he ever tries to hurt my prince again, I'll personally kill him, so please do keep that in mind." Her voice became deep and echoed, her eyes taking on an angered glow, before she returned to her more playful disposition, now braiding Xavier's hair. Xavier seemed to have calm down a good deal by now, sitting down on the floor and trying to get a cigarette from his pocket, but between his sharp claws and shaking hand, it was proving to be a challenge. It was also hard to miss the familiarity between Xavier and Cassandra, as even in his fragile state of mind, he didn't retreat from the woman but instead seemed to sink deeper into her embrace, his back to her as he slowly sat down, refusing to focus in anything other than getting a cigarette. First a smoke, then he'd deal with what ever the hell just happened. Aiden Aiden sighed as Oriel intiated hostilies with their future leader, though he did blush slightly at her thoughts of him becoming leader. Clearing his throat to regain his composure, he decided to speak on the matter. "While I'm flattered yoi think so Oriel-chan, I'm not as familiar with the duties if a Magus Hunter, and thus wiuld be abad fit. Give me a few months, then we can discuss this in earnest." Aiden couldn't help letting some of his snarky attitude slip through, chuckling a little befire he turned back to Ajax. "How cleverly vague of you, I guessed as much when you showed discomfort riding the train, a very trademark feature of Dragon slayers. And to think yoj became a saint at my age. . . .damn, that's a much needed blow to my ego. Will you elaborate on what kind of Da-ragon slayer you are, or are you going to keep us in suspense."