Gale squeaked with surprise before flapping her weak ebony wings, listening to the small girl's voice as she greeted her. "For someone I don't quite know," Gale began while shuddering at the feeling of her tiny hand against her own, "you're quite hospitable despite the fact that I'm kinda crawling all over who I'm assuming is your host." She slipped down off the giant to prevent angering him or making him feel any more awkward than he already did. "I'm sorry, sir," she apologized as she did earlier, twiddling her thumbs. "It bothers me when I cannot tell who exactly I am conversing with. I can sense your fear and discomfort." She looked in the direction she assumed that the girl's voice was coming from (but she was turned a bit too far to be looking directly at her), and spoke, "To answer your question, we are not parasites. I'm only the host, and if you'd like to speak with him, that'd be fine." "Who is this?" Brandy whispered into the back of Gale's head, causing her to shudder violently at the sudden static roaring in her ears. "H-Hey, turn the volume down please," she responded silently, running her pale hand through her purple hair before relaxing as the noise died down. "It appears to be another host and parasite from what I can tell," she explained to the garbled voice, going on to add, "I scaled the host, he's extremely tall. Not as tall as Ash, but he's nearly there, and his parasite seems very nice. If she wants to talk to you, you'll have to take over." Brandy remained silent before answering with a simple, "Okay." After spending a few moments conversing with the soothing yet extremely loud voice in her head, she turned back to the man's direction. "When you give me the command," she began, taking the sword out of its sheath once more and holding it at her side, "he'll come out to talk."