[img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwkq139piq1qisa1po2_500.jpg[/img] Name: Orion 'Oreo' Takahashi Age: 17 Personality: Orion often seems very joking and playful externally, however that is mainly an act to get close to people. With a tendency to torture animals and the like, Orion has always been a twisted kid. With people Orion normally has a friendly smile on his face, cracking a joke as he casually wonders what they'd look like inside out. Despite his twisted internal tendencies he is a genius in psychology, and can adjust his personality to be generally very persuasive of anything. Bio: Orion was born in a normal family, nothing about him seemed to scream tragic events making him the way he is today. He would spend his days at school and his nights sneaking out and shooting pigeons with an air gun, then maybe slicing a wing off and throwing them into the air. The few scars he got across his arms from these sort of encounters with various animals ended up getting him caught and started counselling sessions. At this point he observed his counsellors behaviours to try to get him to explain his feelings and behaviours and misled him as he learned more and more about how to manipulate normal human emotions. He ended up trying it at school, having skipped two grades this was in his last year of school when he was much younger than anyone else in his grade, and ended up creating his own clique of a combination of idiots and slightly less idiotic people to do whatever he wanted, since everyone else in the clique would turn on the rebel. The counselling stopped after graduation and Orion spent his time starting an 'adult clique' or rather, a gang. He ended up one of the most feared in his greater area and grew bored, searching for something more fun. Skills: Ruthless, genius manipulator, equivalent knowledge to a doctorate in psychology except as he puts it [i]"A bit more practically fun"[/i] Weapons: [i]"Who needs weapons when you can convince some idiots to use some for you?"[/i] Armor: [i]"Armour? Well, does the flesh of twenty men surrounding me count? Besides that I've got a bulletproof vest in case of snipers, not much else really."[/i] Sorry for the long character sheet, was kinda on a roll with this aha. Sowwie.