[center][b]GM Approved[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Astrea [b]Age:[/b] 22-ish [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Astrologist [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFh_JoKBEknN43955L8uhJoqS4R4VO1-14Qs6dfO2G6Q8GJMSy[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Astrea could best be described as bright and somewhat bubbly. She is happy with what she has most of the time, and doesn't usually ask for any more. She does however like to see big displays of power, whether or not it's hers or someone else's. [b]Backstory:[/b] As a child, Astrea was orphaned by parents she never knew, and was left on the streets to die. However, one day she happened to see a wandering magician performing at a local tavern. Something she saw fascinated her, and she decided to follow the magician. For a while, that's how it was. She would follow him from town to town, scavenging what she could and seeing what he could do. Eventually, she plucked up enough courage to ask him about magic, and a few days later she was an apprentice. She was about 10 years old at the time, and she travelled with the magician learning magic and the ways of the world. Eventually, she became dissatisfied with regular old magic, she wanted more spectacle than normal magic had. It was on one fateful night that she looked up to the stars, and asked. [b]"Is there magic in the stars?"[/b] She said. The magician she was travelling with said there was a theory stating that there was, but there wasn't much evidence in favour of it. Over the next year, Astrea would travel the world, struggling to find any information on the theory, and any way it could be used. One day, she left the magician to seek her own answers. She returned a decade later, charged with a huge amount of power. She showed the magician her new magic, and the magician couldn't do anything but watch the spectacle. After she finished, all her magician mentor could do was hang their head, and say: "I wasn't really a good magician, you know." The magician didn't really have much in the ways of ability, and even then Astrea had surpassed her astronomically. "And I'm not any better now." [b]"I know."[/b] Astrea said, [b]"This is my goodbye."[/b] She left the magician that day, and left in search of something only she knew. [b]Equipment:[/b] She wears sort of standard comfortable witch clothing and that's just about it. She doesn't have a magic focus or anything because she can cast spells without one. Also, the focus would probably explode. [b]Abilities:[/b] Astrea uses the power of the stars aligned to fuel magical spells and abilities. She can call upon the powers of the constellations in order to do specialized attacks and support abilities. She can cast the spells nigh infinitely, but there are certain limitations. The abilities require a direct connection to the stars, and thus are best achieved when there is nothing between the caster and the night sky. A connection can be established underground, but this takes a toll on either the spell's strength or the time it takes to cast. It is the same when it is daytime, and both of these conditions can stack. To put this in perspective, during the night time and when she has direct exposure to the stars, Astrea can cast her most destructive spells almost instantaneously and as much as she likes. When underground and during the daytime, it would take some seconds of charging to cast even her weakest offensive spells at their maximum damage.