Ray sighed when the fire alarm activated and water drenched him He was enjoying the introductions when the water made his hair cover over his eyes. He swepted the hair away from his eyes and glanced at the little girl that was assaulting Absolute with the power of the hug. He was about to direct that class to utilize there training and leave the premises, but one of his fellow JUDGEMENT did it for him. Thankfully, the water stopped and warm air dried of everyone's skin, thanks to Kazeno. [i]This is all Illogical.[/i] Ray raised an eyebrow, he was puzzled, how could a fire drill be illogical. [i]Think about it, sprinklers only activate when there is actually a fire. And you can't smell of feel the smoke in the air.[/i] Ray nodded, he had to agree with his counsious, there was no way every fire drill could activate the sprinklers, there would be a lot of angery parents. "This is all to illogical." He mumbled to himself starring daggers at the girl cuddling with Absolute. [i]Someone had to have pulled it, that is the only way.[/i] "True, but you need a hammer, and the glass is as hard as rock. You would need a really good magician or high level esper to do that." He retorted in his head. [i]Not in this case, think about it. If we had a student who could teleport objects and him or herself, that would solve that problem. And think about it the is a very technological city, no say for a mistake like that.[/i] Ray was slowly starting to from a senraio in his head, and though about the possible suspects. "It's to early to suspect foul play. Lets wait for things to play out" He said I'm his head. Ray walked over Wataru who was directing the class. "Hey, do you think you could keep an eye on that girl hugging Absolute. I'm suspecting foul play." He whispered. "Let's hope I'm wrong." He mumbled to himself despondently.