Leaning back against the chair she watched him as he seemed to be a bit surprised that he now had her attention. In fact; she was pretty sure she was going to be meant with some form of sarcastic and smartass comment from him but instead, she was greeted by something with playfulness. His comment about it not being a date was greeted with a nod. “Just a coincidence.” She said, agreeing with his clarification. She wasn’t going to return to work and listen to some form of talk about how she went on a date with Robert Locksley even though she hated him. Well now, it wasn’t so much a hate. She could tolerate him; maybe after a few drinks it will be amusing to be around him… but we can’t give him that much credit. His response of wanting to play truth or dare got an eyebrow raise as a response. But the more he spoke about how they’d keep it PG and that sometimes they needed to push aside their adult sides and be kids again, her eyebrow lowered and a small smile moved her full lips. “Alright.” She said with a nod. “Truth or dare?” With that she took a drink of her martini.