[center] [color=Yellow][h2][i]Samuel Williams[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Trigger. [b]Real Name:[/b] Samuel Williams. [b]Nicknames:[/b] Cowboy, Sam, Sammy. [b]Age:[/b] 37. [b]Position:[/b] N/A. [b]Occupation:[/b] Scout. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://photographyunposed.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/rodeo-cowboy-sm.jpg[/img] [/color] [color=Yellow][b]Personality Traits:[/b][/color][/center][list] [*] [color=Yellow]Shy - Sam, though old and experienced, is still quite shy and socially awkward when it comes to making friends or talking (despite his outward appearances), what with the stigma associated with a power set as radical as his. He makes an effort to never use his powers around people if he's trying to talk to them.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Helpful - Though quiet, he does like to help out his friends or whoever he finds in need of some assistance.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Quiet.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Hardworking.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Gruff.[/color] [/list] [center] [color=Yellow][b]Abilities:[/b][/color][/center] [list] [*] [color=Yellow]Probability Manipulation - Sam is able to manipulate the elements of Probability itself, able to land impossible shots and do otherwise unimaginable things with his bullets. He is also able to manipulate other things, like the Probability of something happening in the immediate present or the chances of someone else succeeding at something. However, he is unable to influence events he does not know about, or events in the future or past, and his powers only work within a twenty foot radius around him or on objects that he's using.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Minor Dimension Warping - Sam is also able to (albeit very slightly) warp the space between dimensions and thus alter physics and reality itself. This results in things like him being able to bend the path and trajectory of a bullet as it's in flight, or being able to make minor alterations in any small or medium sized object around him. However, using this power too much drains his stamina very quickly.[/color] [/list] [center] [color=Yellow][b]Skills:[/b][/color][/center] [list] [*] [color=Yellow]Marksman - Sam is an accurate marksman even without his probability powers, being able to knit tight groups of shots together on his targets. He is no stranger to inaccuracy though, and his peers that rock more modern weaponry or better powers often outclass him in long-range fights.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Intuitive - With age comes increased experience, and this is something Sam normally shows off in high stress situations, being able to plan ahead of an enemy force if he's cornered or outnumbered.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Good with Horses - Sam's a cowboy by trade. He knows horses like the back of his hand. 'Nuff said.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Keen Eye - With years of experience on the land, Sam has learned to use his sense of sight more efficiently, able to pick out targets however distant, though details are lost on him the further away a target is.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Quick-draw - With his hobby as a trick shooter, it is no surprise that Sam is very fast on the draw, moreso than normal shooters. Other mutants with either keen reflexes or super speed trump this though.[/color] [/list] [center] [color=Yellow][b]Biography:[/b] A cow hand before the days of the civil war, Sam received his powers at adolescence as most mutants do, however they never really manifested themselves physically (how do you physically and visually portray probability manipulation), nor did he even know that he had them. To him, in his youth, he was merely one of the luckiest boys on the ranch. It didn't occur to him that his luck was born of mutant powers until he was in his twenties, by which time the mutant wars were in full swing. Born in Dallas, Texas, he was the youngest of a trio of siblings and the proud owner of a horse called Tess. He and his family lived on a ranch out in the countryside, growing wheat and corn and tending to livestock. A happy, countryside life. With little hobbies outside playing the guitar and riding horses, Sam soon took to his father's interest in firearms, and then developed his skills as a trick shooter, being able to hit coins flipped in the air and tin cans that were hidden behind a plywood sheet and other quirky little things that trick shooters did. When his powers manifested, his family did take note that his tricks became more and more successful the more he practiced and attempted them, which they no doubt attributed to the practice. When he grew older though, he realized that his improbable luck was less of that, luck, and more of something he could control. On the sly, he tested out his theories by attempting extremely difficult shots with the wrong types of weapons and found out that he was able to manipulate probability and chance enough to make the impossible possible. With the realization, though, came fear and uneasiness: he knew, from the news, that mutants were bad people, and he was a mutant! He didn't want to get caught by the authorities so he kept his powers a secret and tried to live his life normally, which he did for several years more. By 2016, however, roving gangs of anti-mutant hunters eventually found and tracked down Sam and his family, simply through the word of his trick shooting abilities that had spread around the county. Forced to cut ties and run, he gathered his belongings, sat astrode Tess and bolted for the hills, not stopping until he was miles away from the family that he'd abandoned. Eventually, through his wandering of the country, he lost his horse, but gained a home in The Pit. A mutant scout found him wandering amidst the rubble of the city and brought him in, and with his skills and powers, he soon made a living for himself as one of the Pit's many scouts, spending his days wandering the city and its outskirts (and chancing upon an adorable beagle puppy on one of those days), searching for other mutants or mapping terrain, while spending his nights alone, tending to his guns and the dog he found. [b]Other Information:[/b][/color][/center][list] [*] [color=Yellow]Sam owns a pair of guns, [url= http://www.imfdb.org/images/f/fe/Smith%26WessonModel29.jpg]Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 revolvers[/url]. These are his life and soul, remnants from his previous life as a cowhand and trick shooter. The guns have small names engraved on the sides of their barrels, one reads 'Carl' and the other 'Bessy'.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Sam also owns a [url= http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Beagle_portrait_Camry.jpg]beagle[/url] he calls 'Casey'. It sports a neat brown leather collar with a single tag with its name on it, and is a young female beagle in the prime of her life.[/color] [*] [color=Yellow]Lastly, Sam owns [url= http://kevinunderhill.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451bd4469e201901e2db724970b-pi]a very nice hat[/url]. There are many others like it but this one is his. Do not touch.[/color] [/list] [center] [color=Yellow][b][u]Theme Song[/u][/b] [url= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1uUIJPD0Nk]"Down The Road" by C2C.[/url] [/color] [/center]