[b][h3]Berlin, German Empire[/h3][/b] The Australian airship landed in the designated zone given to them by the German air coordinator. The massive airship barely fit into the large landing strip as steam filled the area when jets of steam blasted out of large pipes aimed at the ground to slow down the decent of the ship. Once the ship had settled a large door opened up revealing a storage hull filled with cages and automobiles. Out of the smoke stepped a man dressed in a black suit with short red hair flanked by two men with breech-loaded rifles in tan colored military uniforms complete with tan slouch hats. Dock managers approached the men asking what business they had in Berlin with such a large ship flying the Australian flag. "I have come to meet with your Kaiser Bismark on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia." The managers nodded and stepped away to go take care of other work as the man turned around and gestured back into the airship where an automobile was heard starting and rolled down the ramp towing a trailer behind which held a large chest and a cage housing a small kangaroo. The three men got into the steam-powered car which left the airfield and headed into the city passing horse-drawn carriages on the way and receiving gasping stares as they passed. "We will find a good hotel to stay in tonight while we wait for an audience with the Kaiser to be prepared." The middle-aged diplomat told his attendants as the pulled in front of a large nice looking hotel to stay in for the night. "Go talk to the Kaiser's attendants and let them know I request an audience with their leader." The car driver nodded and sped off in a cloud of steam as the three men walked into the hotel to get rooms for the night. [b][h3]Vienna, Eisenkreis[/h3][/b] The young diplomat stood at the bridge of his luxury airship as it drifted through the air over the Capital city of the Hegemony. "We will remain on the airship until an arrangement is set up, so that I can meet with the Queen and hopefully the princess as well. Remember we are the embassy of the Commonwealth and we must show it." He spoke through the pipes that were used as an intercom system throughout the ship. A few minutes later an engine was heard as a plane was launched from the lower decks and flew in the direction of the airfield carrying the message from the diplomat.