[center]When the supernatural creatures revealed themselves to the rest of the world the humans were in a uproar. It became harder for supernatural creatures to find safe places to live. As the government worked to put measures in place to protect the supernatural there was a inn that came about that provided a safe place for supernatural creatures to stay at. Hey everyone! I am booksmusicanime but most people call me Books! This roleplay came about after I caught up to the current page of the internet comic dream*scar. So first I'll start with the rules then it'll be the different type of species you can be. 1. NO GODMODDING OR POWERPLAYING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders and powerplayers on my RPS. 2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal 3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice. 4. Please once you have finished your CS wait for me to accept it! I don't want people who I haven't accepted to post! 5. NO MAIN CHARACTERS PLEASE! This is a world where the characters from the comic do not exist. 6. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that. 7. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome. 8. Please do not argue with me if someone took the race you wanted to be. 9. You can have one character. 11. There are only limited spots due to some races not being very common and the fact that in my case most big RPs die quickly! No ifs and or buts, unless I trust that you won't disappear half way through the rp. 12. KEEP IT PG-14 PEOPLE!! If it's over that then fade it to black people. Some cussing is allowed but no going overboard! 13. Books' word is law! Anything I say goes and plots and such are controlled by me unless someone has my permission. 14. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time. Now for the races![/center] [hider=VAMPIRES] Much like the lore, vampires can't go into sunlight, although it is unknown as to why; holy objects, especially wielded by one with strong faith, repel them. Generally, vampirism comes with excelled strength, speed, and logistics, along with other abilities that develop with age and a drastic increase in all senses. Differing from the lore, garlic does not repel them [although the strong smell is certainly unpleasant] and stakes to the heart, while annoying, will not slay or bind them. They rely solely on blood to sustain themselves, and while it doesn't have to be human, it is definitely preferred. 1/4[/hider] [hider=DHAMPIRS] Extremely rare due to complicated births and unstable genetics, Dhampirs are the offspring of a vampiric father and a human mother. Records of these children are scarce, but from what is known, most of the children are male, and the abilities they gain tend to depend on the parents. They are day walkers and do not require blood to live [although there are exceptions to both of these]. It is believed the father has a certain control over it's hybrid child. Unfortunately, these hybrid children usually don't live very long. The reason is unknown, but perhaps can be attributed to their unstable nature; basically a human with supernatural abilities, it would probably eventually tear them apart, physically and mentally... 1/2[/hider] [hider=HYBRID VAMPIRES] A line of vampires that seem to have 'evolved', these are vampires that can walk in the sunlight, although prolonged exposure can prove deadly; they are also referred to as Shadows, due to the fact that their abilities are [at best] half as effective as their vampire counterparts. Much like their vampire and Dhampir cousins, each excels at certain things, depending on the human before being turned. 0/2[/hider] [hider=WEREWOLVES] Cursed people who are forced to change into wolves at the full moon. There are a few types of werewolves, but the most common have come to control their minds during their transformation. These common werewolves appear on the full moon as simple wolves of a slightly large size, with the heightened senses of wolves and sharpened mind to the presence of their brothers and sisters. Some can even transform when the moon is not full, but they need to see it in order to trigger the change. Other types of werewolves do exist, including those that take on a halfwolf shape ['true' werewolves]. These are quite rare in the current time, because of their very unstable nature. Most were hunted down and destroyed many years ago. Werewolves make up the largest percentage of the unhumans. 2/3[/hider] [hider=PHOENIXES] The first in the list of adapting unhumans, phoenixes were once beautiful birds who, at the end of their life, would burst into flames and then would be reborn from the ashes. Like many of the old races, most phoenixes have mastered the art of disguise, taking a human shape. Aside from being practically immune to permanent death, phoenixes seem to have a sort of telepathic gift, making them rather accurate psychics. 1/1[/hider] [hider=UNICORNS] The knowledge keepers of the unhumans, unicorns have an exquisite collective memory. Much like the phoenixes, unicorns have adapted to a more human form, although they have been unable to fully mimick the human appearence; they retain their horn, tail, and pale skin, amongst other defects. They have healing abilities, as well as the ability to make you go deaf with how much they like to talk. They are pacifists to a fault. 0/1[/hider] [hider=DRAGONS] Dragons are a very proud race, and refused for the longest time to adapt when humans began to dominate the world. They paid for their pride and were hunted nearly to extinction; probably fewer than 50 remain. Those that survived the slayers can no longer fly, although probably this is because these dragons had no wings to begin with [the fliers were the most stubborn]. They are the strongest of the unhumans, without exception. Put a single dragon in a room full of angry unhumans and they'd still come out on top. 1/1[/hider] [center]Now the Form![/center] [hider=Form] Appearance: First Name: Last Name (Optional): Nickname(Optional): Age: Gender: Race: Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time): Backstory (Optional): Personality (Optional): Outfit (Optional): Theme Song (Optional): Other: [/hider] [center] 5/14 Accepted [b]Accepted Characters[/b] [i]booksmusicanime - Wyvern (Vern) Ivor ScienMalefica - James (Hothead) Cartel Mr_Sheep_san - Julia (Jules) Cheng ScarlettWaters16 - Asher (Razor) Gordon 4weekcoma - Asia Dee[/i] [b]Reserved Spots[/b] [i]PieFlavor - Phoenix[/i][/center]