[center] [color=Aqua][h2][i]Jessamine “Jess” Daniels[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Breeze. [b]Real Name:[/b] Jessamine “Jess” Daniels. [b]Age:[/b] 25. [b]Position:[/b] Strategist, Lookout. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] N/A. [b]Appearance (Jessamine - Right Side):[/b] [img]http://images.starpulse.com/news/media/gndssnsixfeat3.jpg[/img] Jessamine has very light blue eyes and her sister has red. Dark red. Jessamine is also slightly taller than her sister. Jessamine has a slight a light blue tinge to her skin color where her sister has a little bit of red to her skin color. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Jessamine seems to be the complete opposite of her sister. She more serious and takes things very logically. She does, sometimes, go with the flow of whatever is going on, but normally, she is the brains behind the operation. While others might go into the field to fight, she stays back at headquarters and relays commands out to mutants who are out in the field. She does love to go out into the field though. She will always go with her sister whenever her sister is out there, which is often. She is fiercely loyal to her family. She does not seem to have a temper, but when it comes to her family, you do not mess with them or she will mess with you. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Air_Manipulation]Air Manipulation:[/url][/i] She has the ability to manipulate the air around her and form it into strong winds or tornadoes. She can also increase air pressure, causing the ability to crush objects. She can repel objects with the air as well. She can also use sonar with the air as well. [i]Flight:[/i]She can use the air to lift her up into the air and carrying her a short distance (kind of like Jack Frost in Rise of the Guardians). *She can do power moves with her sister. Her sister can super-heat her tornadoes, causing them to burn anyone that they touch. [b]Skills:[/b] She is very talented when it comes to math and science. She is very good at close, hand to hand combat. She is also very quiet and stealthy and can climb trees faster than most people. [b]Biography:[/b] Jessamine and her twin sister are a very unusual case for mutants. Both of their parents were mutants, which it is really strange for there to be a family of mutants. What is also strange is that they are TWIN mutants, and no more, complete opposite in powers. There is also fear when it comes to a family of mutants. When her and her sister were only six years old, their mother, a shape shifting movement, was taken from their home and had experiments done on her. They waited for days for their mother to come back, but, unbeknownst to them, the humans had killed her mother in the process of one of their experiments. Her father did not know this as well. He scouted for days until he came across the facility which she had been taken. He led an attack against it, only to find that his wife had been killed and he, in turn, was killed. Jessamine and Blaire waited for days for their parents to come back, hoping that they could be a happy family again. They were about eleven at this time. When they had heard of their parents’ deaths, they did not mourn. They knew immediately that they needed to go into hiding. They found some other mutants who were also in hiding and stayed with them until they were fifteen. They then got their own place, within the compound of the Pit, and have stayed there ever since. [b]Other:[/b] Secretly, she is very jealous of her older sister because she seems to be the one everyone likes. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bimam2j2gEg ]"Bottom of the River" by Delta Rae.[/url] [/color] [/center]