Pharona patted Angus's head once again and started to speak inside his mind, "See, you shouldn't be afraid of her. Even though her temper is quite uncontrollable, she is just a nice bat girl." Angus merely grunted once again, he usually does that when angry and most likely is caused by Pharona, but he will soften against her soon enough as he always does. However, the little girl was quite surprised by the sudden static noise and Angus was the same, but showed no change of expression in his face. Pharona thought it was quite neat that her eyes started to become some bright yellow, but it merely just made Angus uneasy once he saw this, again, no change of expression due to Pharona actually suppressing his facial expression to not make the parasite feel weird. Strangely enough, the static started to morph into actual words inside of her ears and Pharona thought that was pretty awesome, she always thinks most parasite related things are quite cool. "Oh! I can finally understand you! I was wondering if I could only speak static or something, but very nice to meet you! My name is Pharona, and my host here is called Angus, he is just a huge goofball. Would you care to share anything about yourself?" Pharona was trying to act as nice as possible, she didn't really want to make a bad first impression to the sword. Angus, inside of his mind, had no idea on how Pharona could understand any of this at all as he was only hearing was just static. The large man sometimes wished that sharing the mind happened on both sides, as it was only Pharona who could dwell into his brain, but it made sense that the parasite would be able to get inside of the head and not the host.