[img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/dc903974ee2fac79a5eb2fbdfbf7b7ea/tumblr_nhxlj4C1Sg1u0feuwo1_400.gif[/img] First Name: James Last Name :Cartel Nickname : Hothead Age: Equivalent to 17 for humans Gender: Male Race: Dragon Powers: Enhanced strength and senses, thermal resistance, fire breath Backstory (Optional): TBR (Mainly so I can talk about it once I catch up on dream[sup]*[/sup]scar haha) Personality: James is a naturally proud individual to the point of extreme, in that he would attack someone who slights him in any way. He loves the thrill of attacking someone and might be driven to it even if not provoked, and is very unpredictable and raging by nature. When you're his friend though he's naively loyal and will do anything for you. [hider=Outfit:] [img]http://image.rakuten.co.jp/amiami/cabinet/images/2010/52/cos-8069.jpg[/img] [/hider] Theme Song (Optional): [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUvB1qOGp0A]Fire[/url] Other: He absolutely hates spicy food for some reason