[center] AKIZA & REIKO “Uh…okay!” she replied, siding with Shou on his views of the duck. With luck, maybe they could scare the duck into behaving. Or even better, running away forever! Akiza ran out the room and headed towards the kitchen, only to bump into a person. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she apologized, still flustered from the duck fiasco in Daisuke's room. She bowed then moved to hurry to the kitchen, only for the girl to place a hand on her shoulder. "Wait!"cried the girl, who she remembered Daisuke introduced as Reiko earlier, and Akiza paused. Reiko looked concerned. "We hear you yell, so I came to check on you. Are you ok?" she asked, and Akiza gave a hesitant nod. "Yes...it's just, a duck flew into the window and it hates me and Shou. After it tried to bite him, we freaked out so Shou yelled for a knife and I just started running to the kitchen. I was hoping a knife could scare the duck away." she explained, feeling ridiculous the more she continued her story. It sounded so stupid. "What? Someone could get hurt!" Reiko frowned, not liking the thought of somebody getting cut on accident. She did not want a poor, innocent animal harmed either. "Or that duck!" Akiza could care less at this point if the duck became their dinner tonight, but she did not want to upset the teenager. "I could grab a butter knife, so it wouldn't be as dangerous."she mumbled, but Reiko looked like she did not believe her. "Whatever! You get the pointless butterknife then, I'll go help that duck stay safe from Shou!" Reiko said with resolve. In her mind, she painted a picture of a vicious Shou torturing the poor animal. Why else would a duck attack? Every duck she came across were cute and swam in lakes! Completely harmless, peaceful, and gentle. The adults most likely overreacted and it definitely sounded like something Shou would do. TAPIOCO When the pain in his wing finally became unbearable, Tapioco took his anger out on the human who had been touching his wings. The human dared to try and harm the prince of Hell! He would not stand for this and he would keep this scum away from his servant too. He watched the humans fumble and panic as he moved to attack. Their frightful screams gave him great satisfaction. The female ran from the room like a coward but he could take care of her after he dealt with the long haired male first. Tapioco prepared to bite again; but, the arrival of another cursed human flooded his dull senses. Caught off guard, he paused in his attack and got a glimpse of a confused looking girl. She looked like an ordinary human but she possessed the same aura as the cursed man he found earlier. The duck stared at her and wondered how he did not sense her sooner and chastised himself for missing something so important. Tapioco tapped into his limited dormant powers. The duck spread out his senses and felt surprised when his scan revealed yet another cursed human to be nearby. Three in total…yes, staying here would definitely be a top priority of his now. Unfortunately, it seemed the humans were not completely pathetic as he thought. Behind the cursed girl the coward from earlier had returned, only this time, with a blade in her hand. He stared at the knife without fear. He watched the girl hand the weapon to the other vermin in the room and Tapioco flared his feathers on instinct. So, the humans wanted to fight him? A foolish idea, but Tapioco respected good warriors, and felt thrilled at the thought of a battle. He would accept the challenge in a heartbeat and show the humans their place. Duck or not, stupid humans would not be a challenge for a demon of royal blood! REIKO Reiko entered the room and boy, was that an interesting sight. Daisuke held an angry looking duck in his arms, trying to keep it away from a disheveled looking Shou. She looked at the men like they were idiots. Daisuke began to plead for her help to protect Ducky from certain death. She rolled her eyes at how over dramatic her family acted. “A duck is the reason I heard screams from upstairs? It looks scared, no wonder Akiza said it tried to bite you!” Akiza returned at that moment and from the corner of her eye, she her hand the knife to Shou. “Don’t tell me you’re going to fight a duck with a butterknife.” She asked with disbelief, looking at Shou with a frown. The duck then stopped its rampage to stare at them and Reiko wondered if Akiza’s plan to scare it worked. She was wrong because a few seconds later, feathers all over the duck flared and it tried to spread its wings out like it was ready to fight. “Aw, the poor thing feels scared, I told you!” she voiced her concern, walking over to Daisuke without fear or hesitation. She smiled and gave a gentle pat on the duck’s head. It looked at her with caution, but to her delight, did not try to bite her or Daisuke. “See, this duck is totally harmless!” she said, looking smug back at Akiza and Shou. She grinned and pet the duck again. "Whose a good duck? You are, you are! Such a cute ducky." she cooed, and the duck remained frozen, as if it did not know how to react to her. That just made it so much cuter! [/center]