[h3]Piper Hatfield - [color=hotpink]Ms. One Shot[/color][/h3] The angry sniper looked around. [b]"An illusion, huh,"[/b] she commented, her voice sounding more irritated than confused. If they were all trapped in an illusion, then that meant none of what they were seeing was real. The town is probably in ruins, but they can't see it. Almost as soon as Piper came to that conclusion she heard some commotion from her comrades. It seemed that several had more severe illusions than she did and fallen victim to them. [b]"Weaklings. We need everyone to be at attention, not sniveling,"[/b] she scoffed, turning away before Reina's piercing scream startled her. [b]"Son of a..."[/b] Piper appeared as if she herself was about to start yelling at Reina and Xavier, but she stopped herself when she noticed the demonic appearance of the boy. And the suspicious person behind him. While Nigel was also quick to put the demon under the scope, Piper was far less reserved in terms of practicality. The building behind Xavier and Cassandra exploded, spraying dust and debris across the street. In Piper's hand was one of her shotguns, aimed directly at the two demons. [b]"That was a warning shot,"[/b] she threatened, keeping her sights aimed on the two. While Caroline had warded Nigel, Piper had also taken the initiative. [b]"Next one will blow both of your asses to the next life. There better be some good explaining or I'm gonna splatter the both of you."[/b] The sneer on her face proved that Piper wasn't kidding around. [b]"I don't feel comfortable with a demon in my presence and the trigger is sensitive... So what the [I]fuck[/I] is going on with you!?"[/b] [h3]Ajax Thera & Stacy Kaiser[/h3] [b]"Lippy bitch, ain't she?"[/b] Stacy noted with a laugh. [b]"That's my favorite kind."[/b] She gave Oriel an evil grin before turning her gaze to Aiden. [b]"Puh-lease, I can tell you what kind of magic he has. He's..."[/b] Stacy stopped mid-sentence as she felt Ajax's stare, despite not actually seeing him glaring at her. A nervous sweat took over her and she gave an awkward smile. [b]"... or I can keep my mouth shut. Sorry, Ajax-dono."[/b] The fierce glare left with her apology and Ajax faced Aiden and Oriel. [b]"You will see my magic later today,"[/b] he answered simply. With Ajax apparently forgiving her, Stacy let out a sigh of relief and wiped her forehead. [b]"Yeah, he'll probably kill us all later today or something,"[/b] Stacy joked, intentionally averting her gaze from Ajax. [b]"That was a terrible joke,"[/b] Ajax commented, though Stacy pretended she didn't hear him. As such, the pale woman continued. [b]"Y'all lucky he's on our side. This man is a monster. I don't want to be anywhere near him when he starts demonstrating his magic."[/b] The council member let out a sigh. [b]"As amusing as that is, you exaggerate, Stacy,"[/b] Ajax began to lecture. [b]"You're a special case. You are one of the few people to ever anger me, so the odds are low that these two can do the same. Don't be hurt though, you have grown to be a far better person than when we first met."[/b] Stacy gave the council member an irritated glare. [b]"Didn't have to be [I]that[/I] honest about it..."[/b] The train began slowing down, proving that they were near their destination. [b]"At least this train is much faster than the other locomotive system,"[/b] Ajax commented, uncrossing his arms. [b]"It may not feel like it in the car, but this thing can go across Fiore in no time at all. Quite scary if you think about it."[/b] Stacy crossed her arms over her chest. [b]"You don't know the definition of scary, Ajax. It's convenient that it goes so fast. But what do I know."[/b] The pale girl's eyes settled on Aiden now, an evil grin on her face similar to when she looked at Oriel. [b]"Once we arrive, we're going to have so much [I]fun[/I] together,"[/b] she said slyly. [b]"It's always fun playing with newbies. You two are like puppies now, in the Magus Hunters. And I'm the bad bitch."[/b] Her evil grin disappeared for a moment, an emotionless appearance taking her face as she pointed at Ajax. [b]"But he's top dog. I didn't forget, Ajax-dono."[/b] With that quiet disclaimer, the evil grin returned. She looked to Oriel now. [b]"You're a fire mage, yeah? I'll just help you simmer down once I take the reigns. My tactical insight and immense power makes me a perfect leader, so I expect the two of you to be perfect squadmates."[/b] The Wizard Saint let out a sigh and Stacy already lost her steam. [b]"You aren't in charge for a while, Stacy,"[/b] Ajax began. [b]"Nor are you quite [I]perfect[/I] as you said. Very skilled, no doubt. I'm going to have to ask you to put your ego aside for a while. After all, you were in their position yourself once. And I can recall your leader being fairly nice to you."[/b] Stacy pouted now. [b]"I [I]am[/I] being nice..."[/b] she murmured, but otherwise kept silent as the train finally screeched to a halt. After coming to a complete stop, the conductor sounded the whistle. Wasting no time, Ajax stood up from his seat. The motion alone took Stacy by surprise and she was almost knocked out of hers by the big man. [b]"Aiden, Oriel,"[/b] he began instructing. [b]"You two will be carrying the supplies to the depot. The second car is stocked with food, water, and other necessities. Though if Kyou-sama is still changing clothes in there... be respectful and wait."[/b] Ajax motioned for everyone to follow him out of the car. Once on the platform, there was a clear view of the training facility. On the end of the platform was a large, underground building made of steel. [b]"We will be staying in this facility,"[/b] Ajax explained. [b]"Training will be above-ground, but the building is kept below for its protection. This location was chosen as a testing and training area for powerful mages, so an above-ground facility would be at risk of being destroyed."[/b] He turned to face the three mages behind him. First he pointed at Stacy. [b]"You've already gone through this, but don't think that means you have no responsibilities. Go make sure the depot is clean and has enough room for our supplies."[/b] With a grunt of irritation, Stacy Kaiser trudged along past Ajax towards the building. Once he was behind her, she began pulling at the collar of her suit uncomfortably, proving she was still upset about wearing it. [b]"We have a limited amount of food and water, so it will be rationed for the duration of our stay,"[/b] Ajax continued to explain. [b]"Be sure not to drop or otherwise ruin any of it. Once we have our supplies, and you two put on combat fatigues like Stacy, we will go to the surface and begin."[/b]