There was many things Liron wanted to ask the odd human female. First and foremost was why she had a pair of pants simply around with her. While Liron wasn't the most knowledgeable about humans outside of his duties at the station and those who he met on calls, he felt pretty positive carrying around a spare pair of trousers was not something one normally did. Especially since they weren't any sort that Liron had seen before - as she was helping them on him, he couldn't help but notice they were anything but practical. The second question was slightly more personal than the first, and that was why she took a photo of him. Surely he wasn't such a rare thing that photographic evidence was needed for - especially since she seemed intent on taking her with him instead of returning him to the station. Well, not that he had his normal attire to mark him where to return if he was lost. "While your help is much appreciated, I'm not sure if kittens or babies are qualified mechanics," Liron said finally, leaning on the girl as one would like a crutch. While one leg was no doubt broken - it was twisted and felt like it was on fire - he had another good leg to use. "I am part of Fire Engine Hose 998, although any fire department in the city would be equally pragmatic." He had seen YouTube videos before - his coworkers were constantly showing each other or watching them on their phone when they thought nobody was watching. Over the years, Liron couldn't help but wonder what the draw or practicality was for a website that showed cats and small humans.