[color=a2d39c][i]"What do you mean, breaking news?! THIS is the breaking news!!!"[/i][/color] Lexie looked over to see a reporter screaming at some of the other workers telling them to get back into position and explaining why her story wasn't on the network, instead there was this heavily broadcasted police chase that seemed to be taking up all the real estate. Images of a hover-bike speeding and weaving within the traffic could be seen, all with this unusual trailer of water containing some poor innocent victim. "Breaking news, we are just following a pursuit on the Cross City Motorway and we are crossing over to Matthew in the Channel 7 News Helicopter. Matthew what can you see?" "Thank you. Well as you all can see we are following this Hover-bike that has already caused serious damage to another vehicle after it's magnetic trailer broke off, hit a wall and crashed into an unsuspecting driver. Fortunately the driver is free of injury and medical personal have arrived at the scene, but this a rather unusual chase..." The camera zoomed in onto the people involved in order to give the public the best viewing experience. "...There seems to be three personnel involved with one looks like it's a prisoner within a ball of water and another almost like a..." "...cyborgel," The words came out of Lexie's mouth as she instantly recognised to body structure of the female, "They were supposed to be decommissioned... and this one is using powers?" Looking out towards the horizon Lexie could see the approximate area where this chaos was taking place due to the high concentration of aerial units. At that same moment the rain stopped as though it was being sucked into a concentrated mass around the helicopters. She looked up to see the clouds were still positioned above but the rain wasn't being produced, and as she bought her eyes back to examine the people around her she noticed her boss, Mr Kagome, over to the side talking to one of the other employees. Lexie's temperature began to rise as she stormed over towards her boss. He looked up to see his female secretary raise both hands in the air, eyes beginning to show signs of green and shout in the most obnoxious way, "BUJI!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!"