[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/daPDejR.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][b]Arcus Brunswick[/b][/center] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [b][color=00746b]Age:[/color][/b] 52 [b][color=00746b]Appeared Age:[/color][/b] Actual [b][color=00746b]Height:[/color][/b] 6'2" [b][color=00746b]Weight:[/color][/b] 205 lbs. [b][color=00746b]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Teal. His pupils come to slight points, as well, making them appear teardrop-shaped. [b][color=00746b]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Brown with hints of silver just beginning to grow into the tips of his locks and the edges of his beard. [b][color=00746b]Physical Disabilities:[/color][/b] Walks with a slight but noticeable limp in his left leg. Also, has a gnarly and infected bullet wound above his left hip which will occasionally burst into bouts of extreme pain from the infection. Said infection will eventually be fatal. [b][color=00746b]Physical Identifiers:[/color][/b][list] [*] Scars dance across the flaked and saggy skin of his forearms, chest, and face. [*] Tattoo on his right forearm that once depicted an [url=http://im1.peldata.com/bl10/92273/45th.jpg]elephant[/url], though it is now so covered in scars and been smeared over the years it's barely recognizable as anything. [/list] [b][color=00746b]Appearance:[/color][/b] Arcus looks a little worse for wear. His locks are quickly graying and are often in a mottled mess, his face hasn't seen a razor is years, and his dark skin is becoming wrinkly and saggy. Look past that, though, and it's easy to see vestiges of a former warrior- the man is tall, still built like a bull and is covered in scars and stitches. The muscles may not work like they used to, but they're still there. Due to being an Immortal, Arcus' eyes are an oddity, teal in color with pupils that are shaped like teardrops. They've lost the spark he had when he was with the Forsaken, the bloodthirsty look in them replaced with such things as caring or even sorrow and pity. Some say he looks at other the way a father would his child. The former Forsaken dresses as well as any other wanderer can, and that means layers of loose clothing for the heat and dust underneath some armor for protection against more worldly things. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b][color=00746b]Residence:[/color][/b] Being offered hospitality in Fairbury [b][color=00746b]Profession:[/color][/b] Wanderer; Philosopher; Vigilante [b][color=00746b]Aligned Faction:[/color][/b] None; formerly Forsaken [b][color=00746b]Relatives:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Virn Brunswick - Father - Deceased [*]Luella Brunswick - Mother - Deceased [*]Caden Brunswick - Brother - Deceased [*]Tilli DeLoraine - Sister - Alive and married to Hector DeLoraine. Last he heard, Tilli was living in Russel City.[/list] [hider=Backstory] Arcus, like his parents, was born in Eton, and it was here that he would live the first ten years of his life. He was born only to one parent, however, as his father, Virn, had been killed in arena combat over the fact that Arcus was an illegitimate son. Arcus' mother's [i]other[/i] husband was sick and dying, but wasn't dead yet. From the time he was able to hold a stick he was being trained in combat, much like the other Forsaken. It was quickly apparent that Arcus was a wrathful child- he was unnaturally strong and quick for his young age, and in combat he was cunning and tough. When Arcus turned ten, his mother celebrated his first decade by rewarding the small boy with a small rabbit to kill. He delighted in hearing its tiny bones crack and bend under his might, and listening to the small thing squeal and squirm. Just after this "celebration" his mother told him they were moving, but not to where or why. On the road, Arcus noticed his mother seemed afraid and hurried. They eventually arrived at Forbes- having traveled through Locke and Kingsley. In his twelfth year Arcus became a brother to a younger sister and a younger brother; their names were Tilli and Caden, respectively. He became protective of them both, taking time away from training to tend to any of their needs and checking in on them regularly. One year later, at thirteen, Arcus experienced his first man-to-man combat, being thrown into the infamous Forbes Arena over something his mother had done but blamed [i]him[/i] for. He remembers his opponent well- a tall, fair haired boy with few teeth and missing half an ear. He looked sickly, but he fought well. The fight lasted for quite some time- being his first outing, Arcus wasn't as confident as the other boy and fought very defensively, it was only due to his exquisite stamina that the other boy tired out before he did and Arcus was able to finish him off with only a few well placed blows. This was the childhood Arcus was blessed with- arena combat and mentoring his siblings while being trained, himself. Flash forward a few years, when Arcus has matured and is at the spry age of twenty-one. It was in this year that Arcus discovered he was an Immortal. His mother had committed some crime again, only this time wriggled out of it by blaming Caden as Arcus had been absent, just returning the day after her accusation. Caden was only nine, but was sent to the Arena, anyway, and by the time Arcus arrived it was too late to try and take his place. He dreadfully watched and screamed and yelled as he watched his training go to waste- Caden was struck down by his opponent, dead before he hit the sands. Time almost seemed to slow down as he watched the quarterstaff crack his younger brother's skull. A rage now garnered in his belly, he stormed into his mother's home, and awoke from a daze a few hours later- apparently, in his fit, he had killed his own mother for sending Caden into the ring. His reaction was so strong and fast that time sped by, and he couldn't remember the event. He was sent to the Arena- as per usual- for his murder, but his opponent was easy enough for Arcus to defeat. If you were a good warrior, even murder was within your reach among the Forsaken. Two years later and we see Arcus serving the Legion- his skills as a natural warrior being put to use. More than that, his Immortalis- he's discovered that he can speed up and slow down things already in motion, no doubt a product of his equal fits of speedy rage and slugging grief. He has proven his strength and skill numerous times, and had been given the nickname 'Warlord' by those that fought alongside him. Arcus would fight and form relationships among the Legion for fourteen years, before his paranoia of betrayal for a title forced him to settle down and take a break from battle, his exemplary service title garnering much respect among the Forsaken. The nickname of 'Warlord' has stuck. The veteran lives a fairly peaceful life mentoring younger pupils from his home in Forbes and frequenting the arena as a spectator. However, when he is forty five years of age he is called upon once again, his name and record preceding him. He accepts, albeit a bit reluctantly, but is given a second wind of duty and nationalism from battle and combat once again. His muscles tired easily and didn't quite work like they used to, but he was still a lethally skilled combatant at short ranges and in short bursts. He continues serving the Legion as both a warrior and adviser for another five years- when he is killed in battle. At least, he was thought dead. He was hit in the lower left abdominal region by a rather large slug made from animal carcass. He had been presumed dead and left for the carrion, but it would take more than a lucky shot to bring down Warlord. His teal eyes opened; his breathing desperate to grasp any hint of life left in him. In his darkest moment, Arcus finds a feeling of peace and serenity- feelings of comfort rife with death that are so profound he remembers them to this day; in fact, it is this exact moment that he credits with the changed man he's become today. He realizes the beauty in creating life rather than take it; ironic, perhaps, as he lay there a dying renowned warrior. He survives the wound, and is able to stand, but even an unskilled scavenger could tell him the wound was infected- a factor of the animal carcass round, no doubt. The pain was almost unbearable, but Arcus managed to hobble back to Forbes nearly on all fours. He was given medical attention and the wound was staunched, but the infection remained. The medical staff presumed him lucky if he made it to sixty. And so Arcus left Forbes, no longer considering himself Forsaken, but his records and past an ill-fated reminder of who he used to be. He is determined to leave Dust a better place than he helped create it- but just how he does that, he's quite unsure. He's spent the past few years wandering and detailing his thoughts and experiences; many of these can be found in his journal, which he keeps nearby at all times. Recently, he caught a caravan with an armed contingent of guards outside Fairsbury and was requested help, for he still had the gait of a strong warrior, despite his old wound. In return, the caravan leader offered him a place of respite in Fairsbury, and reassured him it was a beautiful sight to have the privilege to see, considering all the green. Arcus accepted, travelling with the guards into the ruins, where they encountered fierce resistance by the "beautiful sights" themselves. He and the other guards were successful in protecting the caravan, however, and it is in Fairbury that he now resides- albeit temporarily, for Arcus has grown fond of wandering. [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b][color=00746b]Weapons:[/color][/b][list] [*] [b][color=00a651]Brute[/color][/b]: an old sledgehammer that also has a saw-blade attached to the end opposite the hammer; because why not? It requires care when carried and used so as not to damage the wielder, but it is a brutally effective close-range weapon. Arcus' weapon of choice for close-quarters. [*][b][color=00a651]Sam[/color][/b]: an old [url=http://www.impactguns.com/data/default/images/catalog/535/AOW%20REMINGTON.jpg]Serbu Super-Shorty[/url] for when that bandit is [i]just[/i] out of reach of Brute. [/list] [b][color=00746b]Armor:[/color][/b] Arcus likes to travel fairly light- he wears a sort of "bib" made of kevlar that covers his chest, and has a matching section that covers his hips and thighs. He also dons two pauldrons made of out hardened rubber- they look like old sections of tires, though they were made specifically for armor purposes. Arcus also carries with him his old welders mask from his time in the Legion- it was originally used to keep the blood out of his face but now it finds itself being used to block dust and rain more than entrails. Arcus hates the thing, but keeps it around as a symbol of who he used to be to motivate himself towards change in his last years. [b][color=00746b]Ammunition:[/color][/b][list] [*][b][color=00a651]Dirty Rounds:[/color][/b] 2 in the tube, 28 extra 12 gauge shells [*][b][color=00a651]High Grade Rounds:[/color][/b] 8 shells, kept in a small bag on his belt. [*][b][color=00a651]Heavy Ammunition:[/color][/b] [color=00a651][b]3 "Dragons Breath" rounds:[/b][/color] Consists of mainly magnesium pellets and shards, Dragons Breath rounds, when fired, will shoot out sparks and flames several dozen feet, turning Sam into a short lived and short ranged flamethrower. [color=00a651][b]2 "Piranha" Rounds:[/b][/color] Shot packed with dozens of small steel tacks as well as common shot- good at tearing up anything soft and fleshy. [/list] [b][color=00746b]Big ol' Satchel:[/color][/b][list] [*]Jerky strips, small canteens and flasks (some empty, others have water in them), compass, map, kindling, matches, other smaller satchels, and a spare sawblade for Brute. [/list] [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Manifested Phenomena:[/color][/b] Velocity [b][color=00aeef]Unique Abilities:[/color][/b] [i][color=00aeef]Accelerate[/color][/i]: Arcus can make objects already in motion move faster. This is respective of his actual strength- if he wouldn't be able to move it normally, he won't be able to speed it up. The faster something is travelling the heavier it also "feels", so he can't speed up larger and heavier objects as much as he could smaller objects. He cannot use this to throw or push objects, simply make objects already moving to move faster. [i][color=00aeef]Decelerate[/color][/i]: In the same vein, Arcus can decelerate objects, though it works in a somewhat opposite fashion; smaller, faster objects in motion are much more difficult to decelerate than larger, slower objects. [b][color=00a651]Strengths:[/color][/b] [i][color=00a651]Bravado[/color][/i]: Having lived the life of a warrior almost from birth, Arcus is no stranger to facing death. Even now, with his infected wound, he has learned to accept his fate. Among the Forsaken, cowards were not treated well. Arcus was known for being exceptionally brave and is good at swallowing fear and doubt to keep his mind clear at the tasks at hand. [i][color=00a651]Intimidating[/color][/i]: From his size, strength, and scars, Arcus is an intimidating figure to behold. It's this stature that he relies upon in most negotiations- luckily for him, Arcus is far from all talk, however. [b][color=ed1c24]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [i][color=ed1c24]Wounded[/color][/i]: Arcus, plain and simple, is dying. He feels his infection worsening every few days (he swears it's moving towards his heart), and his wound will occasionally erupt into brief flashes of extreme physical pain- one of the only things that seems to hurt Arcus anymore. But that's not the only wound Arcus has suffered- the man is quite emotionally distraught. He watched his brother get killed before killing his own mother. He's taken dozens of lives himself. These thoughts tend to keep a broken Arcus up at night- though in social situations, he does well to hide them, and acts normally, genuinely enjoying companionship and conversation. [i][color=ed1c24]Only Gettin' Older[/color][/i]: While Arcus is an incredulously strong fighter, he tires easily. His bulky old muscles don't work like they used to, but that doesn't make him weak. Arcus' tactic has long been to fight very defensively to tire his opponent, then go in for one or two big hits to end it all. At his age, one or two hits is all he's got energy for, anyway. [i][color=ed1c24]Forsaken[/color][/i]: No matter how hard he tries to forget it, Arcus was a member of the Forsaken. Though he hides it moderately well behind well-spun lies and fake monikers, occasionally there will be someone who sees through all of that, and brings upon Arcus all the social stigmas being a former member of the Forsaken could have.