[@pure493] Razielle jumps back from the table as a motorcycle suddenly comes slamming in through the wall. It connects directly with the table in front of her. She sees a man lying on the ground in front of her. Luckily he hadn't knocked her hood off or anything else that was covering her mechanical parts. As the dusts settles along with the rest of the chips and cards, she sees the young man groaning and looking up at her. She raises an eyebrow and walks carefully forward as the others back up and run for security. She makes sure that she is not hurt herself. She has a few pieces of wall on her hood and in her gloves. She quickly shakes herself, knocking off all of the shrapnel that is on her head and in her glove. She brushes the dust that has fallen on her clothes and it descends to the floor. She shakes herself again and a cloud of dust appears around her. She steps through it and approaches the young man lying on the table. She hears the sirens in the distance, but she does not realize it's the cops. Instead, she walks forward and looks down at this guy. This is the closest she has ever been to a human. She kneels down on the ground next to him and, carefully, makes her x-ray eyes pop out in front of her eye. She examines his body, but she does not see anything that is troubling. She looks at him and asks in her quiet voice, "Are you alright, sir?"