"You can be sure they're going to get locked away for a long time for what you did today!" The Captain answered in a stern voice as he stood over the Blood Elf with his arms folded across his chest. "This wanton slaughter and unprovoked attack shall not go unpunished!" Appearing from the sideline, the battlemage who had tipped the scale in the battle between the knights of Rae'liel and the White Hand stepped up behind her. Grabbing her arms, she tied her wrists together with a rope; leaving a solid knot! "Mind telling me what's going on, Captain?" Suddenly sounded a much more smooth and calm voice further away from them, as the Captain turned to look at the chevaliers arriving on the battlements from the stairs. But one character in particular stood out from the rest; a High Elf walking alongside the chevaliers wearing some luxurious silk and black mageweave garbs adorned with silver and golden embroidery, and a black mageweave cloak hanging over his right shoulder. He had a slender yet strong figure, and his snow-white hair flowed back behind his head. "Sir!" The Captain spun around to give a salute to the High Elf, who casually motioned for the Captain to return at ease. "Take a deep breath, then tell me." Sherpa continued in his same cool and unaffected voice as the High Elf walked onto the level, passing over the corpses of both Blood Knights and Chevaliers that littered the now much bloodied battlements of the fortress. His gaze traveled from the bodies of the dead over to the damaged structures of the fortress itself that had suffered the explosive attacks from the gnomish attack copters. Although much of the surface of the fortress had been destroyed by the rockets and explosives, the main support and structure of the buildings seemed intact and relatively unscathed wherever the rockets had hit. "I see the Mason Guild did a good job." Sherpa muttered with a somewhat satisfied voice, trailing around on the battlements before his attention turned to Rae'liel and the Captain. Next to Rae'liel, the two surviving Blood Knights were brought besides her, all disarmed and with their hands tied behind their back, and each accompanied by a knight. Most of the knights were still alive, short of one who was lying further away and bleeding on the floor, one of the Blood Knights having succeeded in exploiting a weak point of his armor in the later stages of the fight. Walking up to them with his hands behind his back, Sherpa casually inspected Rae'liel and the Blood Knights as they were presented before him. A moment passed before his blue and grayish eyes eventually fell on Rae'liel, a flash of recognition passing across Sherpa's face as he looked down at her. "Rae'liel of Shattrath." Sherpa commented with a faint smile, his gaze continuing on to the Blood Knights at her side. "And her brave knights... yet so far away from home. I would almost begin to wonder." Despite the grim display all around them, with the damaged fortifications and the bodies strewn about, Sherpa seemed remarkably cool and unaffected. A part of the elf seemed to suggest that he did not care at all. Perhaps even found the whole spectacle amusing. "You have great skill. And your attack, however misguided it may have been, was most valiant." The High Elf spoke as his gaze returned to Rae'liel. "Yes, you are with my older brother's little scheme, aren't you? I am impressed by the sheer number of women my brother seem to find in his company... you must be like two hundred and twentieth... " Sherpa spoke, for the first time seeming genuinely unsure as he moved a hand up to rub his jaw.