[B]"Well, this is a surprise."[/B] Noboyuki started, with a bit of a grin in his face. He never dropped his guard, though, and was ready for anything that might leap at them any second now. That didn't take away any of his sarcastic demeanor, though. [B]"You are actually worried about me. It's nice for a change."[/B] Noboyuki finished with another big smile on his face. As if to demonstrate his prowess, he started rolling his sword around with a lot of ease in his hand. [B]"There's no need for sacred power when you have cool skills like this. I've always been more of a DPS kind of guy rather than a mage."[/B] He said, talking in video game terms of his own world. Still, he soon noticed that Rena might not know what the hell he is talking about if he talks like that. They were terms only natural for him, since he liked to play games from time to time. [B]"Ah, sorry. What I was trying to say I am not the kind to rely on powers like those. The support you give me is just magnificent."[/B] Noboyuki said to her, with a wink. While he was fooling around, though, they had already arrived to the desifnated spot before they even knew. Or at the very least, really near to one of those spots. It was something gigantic, that was walking on all four of its legs, wait, no, its steps said that it had more than just four legs, maybe six? It seemed just like something straight out of hell. It was a bit more of a surprise than what he initially thought it'd be. For something roaming the woods, it just seemed too feral and aggressive, aside from scary. [hider=The Monster] [IMG]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/199/8/a/kyron_demon_centaur_concept_by_ptimm-d6e0mc1.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [B]"R-Rena, what is that? Is it even from around here?"[/B] Noboyuki readied his sword. While his initial appearance threw him off a bit, he was now ready to go at it. The fact that it may be a demon was still there, and that meant that it had some connection to their overall quest. [B]"It doesn't even seem like an animal."[/B] Still, whatever the thing was, it was already on the offense. It slashed at Noboyuki and he barely deflected its sharp claws with his sword, sending it back a few steps. Its four arms spelled problems for Noboyuki, not to mention the tail. He wasn't as confident as before, and that last hit seemed to be more to test him rather than actually fighting him.