[center][h2][b]A Preface to Activity[/b][/h2] [u][i]Collab:[/i][/u] Kal-el and yoshua171[hr][/center] The grove that had existed since Kimiko was a child was a place of solace for Toyotomi and his daughter. Any discussion could be held there at their discretion. A place away from the world, the grove could bring a bit of peace for Toyotomi's family. He stood the flowers that Kimiko had planted weeks ago, admiring the beauty that his daughter paid so much attention to. Not only were they beautiful but also the kind of flowers that her mother would plant. Memories hobbled together within his mind, going over the things they shared, and the incidents of arguments. Regardless of the good or bad, Toyo was happy. He would wait as long as needed for his daughter to arrive whilst he smelled the flowers. "Let us hope your daughter has things in her grasp. " Arriving a minute or two later, Kimiko's defined figure strutted its way proudly into the clearing, an air of purpose about her. Seeing the place she had spent many training sessions in was somewhat nostalgic, it provoked many emotions in her, but she had no time to address them at such a pivotal time, so they merely skirted the edges of her mind, ignored for a time. [color=#347C17][B]"Greetings father,"[/B][/color] she said, her voice sharp despite its clear and harmonious sound. [color=#347C17][B]"I called because I would prefer to make a more informed decision, and as I understand it you were the one who located the...[I]problem[/I],"[/B][/color] her eyes narrowed, a brief fire in them, before it was pushed away, clarity again apparent on her features. "Ah Yes. A man dead and our storage nearly all burned. A difficult situation to say the least. None of the men could find the culprit or even a hint of evidence to help." Toyotomi rubbed his chin intently. A quick unlatching of the pouch on his hips, Toyo pulled a kunai out. It was a small thing for Toyo and Kimiko to speak while practicing. It was a calming thing that both got from the woman they loved the most. A flick of the wrist sent the kunai flying toward his noble daughter. Nothing intense from them as that would ruin the area. Just a small exchange. She listened, standing with one hip jutting out to the side slightly, her hand on said hip. When she noted his movement she took a half step forwards, angling her left side in front of her so that when the kunai approached she could turn, whipping her arm up, and snapping it out of the air. She then began to walk to the side, turning to tread the same ground she had before, pacing. [color=#347C17][B]"A blatant attack, and at such a terrible time in the season too,"[/B][/color] she tapped her chin thoughtfully, her brow furrowing as she did so. She did not like this, not one little fucking bit. Doing her best not to grit her teeth, Kimiko's jaw muscles tensed lightly before more words poured from her supple lips, her tone serious, [color=#347C17][B]"Seeing as our relationship with most surrounding clans is decidedly positive, I say we send out a message or two."[/B][/color] She nodded her head, glancing at her father a moment before continuing, [color=#347C17][B]"The clan should be informed and the watches doubled, preferrably with the sharingan so as to not miss any...important details."[/B][/color] [I]Like the face of a killer,[/I] she thought, annoyed that there'd been not a single witness. She didn't understand how it had been managed. [color=#347C17][B]"We also may have to consider the possibility that one of our so called allies is lying to us. What do you think, father?"[/B][/color] The last bit she said after ceasing her pacing and turning to Toyo, at which point she threw the kunai, as if passing the speaking torch. The action was casual despite the serious circumstances, she was attempting to stay relaxed. It was barely working. Raising his hand, his middle finger and pointer finger taking signifigance, Toyotomi caught the kunai between them like snatching a fly out of the air. His sharingan had worked out the neccesary speed and angle needed to achieve such a feat. "I agree. Foul play is an easy thing for the shinobi. It would take such to get past us without warning." Toyotomi's left hand rose to stroke his chin and he pondered for a moment. "What is it you would like for me to do? Our options are limited." He asked curiously. As her father mentioned foul play her eyes widened, an idea entering her pretty little head. Her eyes darkened, [color=#347C17][B]"It just occurred to me that this would've happened in the middle of the night, with ample shadows, but low visibility."[/B][/color] She looked to her father, [color=#347C17][B]"I only know two clans who that would serve as an advantage to. The Hyuga and the Nara..."[/B][/color] despite mentioning the former of the two she could not see the Hyuga daring to attack them. Her and their people had something of an understanding as it was far too dangerous for either of them to face eachother without extensive losses. The Nara however, she could see taking on that role. They were mysterious, possessed some kind of specialized shadow technique, and many of them were geniuses to boot, or at least they liked to flaunt that particular trait. She hated the Nara and their ways. Damned bastards. [color=#347C17][B]"What do you think?"[/B][/color] Following this she should her head and turned away, clearly agitated now. [color=#347C17][B]"Sending messages out is one thing, but there must be a way to tell if those bastards lie to us...."[/B][/color] She trailed off, beginning to pace as her thoughts raced. "I can't guarantee anything but send me if need be and I will speak with the clans. I do carry a long standing with them and if they lie to us, then I'll personally see to the end of their history." Toyo's sharingan pierced through the tension right into his daughter's eyes. Nodding slightly and smiling at the ferocity in her father's eyes Kimiko's own eyes flashed and he'd note her sharingan's brief activation before she turned away and a focused look came upon her features. [color=#347C17][B]"Good, now all that needs doing is to notify the clan, and deal with the aftermath,"[/B][/color] she said it almost as if it were a small issue. With her father's opinion, and his assistance available to her, she walked to the center of the clearing and preformed several handseals before firing a small fireball high into the air. It was more smoke than flame, but when it met its peak, it exploded, releasing a thundering sound over the area. This was how she always called the clan together. It was convenient and required that she waste no time sending a message by word of mouth. The clan would be gathered soon, and when they all arrived she would begin her work. This would be an interesting time they moved into, even if she did not yet realize it. The winds of change were blowing, after all.