[quote=@Ruby] Might have to re-order the approved characters to fill more critical crew positions. Like, I'll probably make my Intell girl a CHENG. [/quote] Hold on a moment, I'd like to put up my app. [hider=My Hider] Appearance [hider=I might change the picture out for something else.] [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/sto.gamepedia.com/thumb/a/a4/Chief_Engineer.png/260px-Chief_Engineer.png?version=db0e33f3ca6dc0e8054d341f7f6cd70b[/img] [/hider] Name: Aaron Williams Rank: Lieutenant Position: Chief Engineer Species: Human Age: 25 Special Skills: Engineering training, Excellent understanding of Warp systems, Advanced understanding of various ship power systems. [hider=Service Record] 2375: Accepted to Starfleet Academy. 2378: Major in Engineering, Minors in Computer Engineering, Ship Power Systems and Warp Drive Theory. 2378: Assigned to USS Providence as Engineering staff. 2380: Promoted to Lieutenant JG. 2381: Promoted to Lieutenant. 2383: Assigned to USS Artemis as Chief Engineer. [/hider] Background: Born into one of the Federation's many colonies, Aaron had the chance to first hand witness the amazing technologies and techniques that supported his way of life. As a young child he was given the opportunity to handle one of the many machines used for farming and agriculture. It's intricate design appealed to him, or more specifically, his curiosity. He wanted to learn how all machines were built, what they were used for, and how he could better them. Going into his teenage years he had gladly taken the job as the local mechanic, charged with maintaining vehicles, and important machinery. As his experience with machinery grew, so did his quest for knowledge, and that led him to Starfleet academy. The biggest attraction was the fact that they held the most advanced machinery, and their goal was to seek out new life. Exploring was all good and well, but Aaron wanted to learn about the star-ships most of all, and even how the universal translators worked. Years passed through his academy days and he was grateful for the time he spent fixing and maintaining the machines from his colony, that experience and knowledge had helped him grasp certain concepts others struggled with, allowing him to be quickly accepted onto an actual Federation starship. The ship in question, the USS Providence, sent out to simply patrol federation borders. It was a relatively smooth experience, the ship encountered pirates every now and then, and managed to fend them off fairly easily. But with the low amount of action came great knowledge for Aaron, watching the chief engineer of the ship work provided Aaron with many tips, and tricks should he ever need to employ them. However, the USS Providence was an old ship, an Excelsior class, and with the recent upgrades in technology it had to be sent back for refitting. During this time Aaron sought to put himself onto a newer ship, one that wouldn't have to be refitted for awhile, and one that carried the most advanced Federation technology at the time; as far as he knew at least. Saying his goodbyes to the rest of the crew he set off to apply for the Chief Engineering position on his next ship. USS Artemis, sovereign class. [/hider]