[b]Jon - Baton Rouge - Floyd/Aiden/Imogen[/b] Jon punched the side of the truck to get the captive's attention. "All of you shut the hell up!" he cried, his voice snarling. "Anyone who tries to jump and make a break for it [i]will[/i] be shot." He climbed into the driver's seat, glaring at the road ahead. Treis hadn't been too happy with the negotiation, and it had felt like an absolute mess of a deal. Who knows what would happen to those they left behind, but Jon had to put those three out of his mind. His two companions piled into the truck once everyone was secure, waiting for Jon to get moving. He couldn't wait to get out of there. [center]***[/center] Tremblay was waiting for them at the receiving area, a pleasant smile on his face despite the proceedings. He was flanked by armed men and women, as usual. Jon shot him a dour look as he parked the truck and stepped out. He and the other two men got the captives off the truck bed and moved them to stand before Tremblay. One by one, their blindfolds were removed. They were standing before what appeared to be a warehouse at first glance, but in actually was the receiving area for what had once been a large thrift store. Large cages and heavy machinery stood just inside the industrial garage door. Tremblay's smile was gone now as he looked upon the captives. "You're here for two reasons," Tremblay began, suppressing his French accent somewhat. "First is that my community needs people for manual labor. Not enough men and women to spare, so that's where you all come in. Second, and what I hope is obvious, I've taken you away from Richard. I stay out of his business for the most part, but you'll find that I'm a lot more pleasant than he is." Jon shuffled a little on his feet where he was standing. Tremblay had always been a good public speaker, but Jon felt that these proceedings were a little condescending toward the captives. Tremblay waved at him and two other men to start removing the bindings, and Jon jumped to attention. "I'll assign you work," Tremblay continued. "And you're expected to do what I assign you. I'll have to waste men on watching you all heavily at first, for I know tensions are high so soon after leaving Richard's loving embrace." Slowly, the bindings were removed, though Jon always felt tense in these moments. Though they had the weapons, he always expected someone to flip around and sock him in the face. "You'll be able to leave eventually," Tremblay said, nodding. "Keep your head down, work hard, and soon you'll be far away from Baton Rouge. This is a fair compromise, as I had to pay supplies for each of you to be here." --- [b]Tina - Baton Rouge Streets - Abram/Turisa/Sam[/b] "Don't move any closer," Tina said, sounding more annoyed than anything. She had her gun trained on a group of people, though she was aiming in particular at the tall black man who seemed to be leading them. Tina guessed everyone seemed tall compared to herself. Jace and Caleb stood beside her, their own guns on the group. "A kid," Caleb said, though more to himself than anyone. Indeed, they had a child with them, and that made Tina's mood even worse. She stuck out her tongue unconsciously, her mind reeling. She didn't think she'd seen these people around before, so she imagined they must be new to the area. "You all should leave Baton Rouge," she said. "It's not a kind place to newcomers." --- [b]??? - Baton Rouge Streets - Emma[/b] Not just a walker was lurking amidst the darkness. From somewhere out in the cold night air came a feminine voice. "Emma," it called out, barely above a whisper. A walker growl interrupted whatever she was about to say next, and a scuffle was heard momentarily. After a soft thud was heard, a woman stepped out of the darkness, her hands in the air, a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. She could only hope that knowing the young girl's name would dissuade her from shooting on sight. The mysterious woman hardly looked imposing-- dirt and grime stained clothing fit loosely on her relatively small frame. She was middle aged, with brown hair and a pair of round rimmed eyeglasses. The right lens had cracked at some point. "I'm just here to talk," the woman said, offering Emma a small smile. [hider=Woman][img]http://i.imgur.com/21vsi9W.png[/img][/hider]