[h2]Coast City, Night[/h2] This city was truly in a mire of crime and villainy. Of course it was not as bad off as other cities, but the disappearance of the Hero Hal Jordan, did take a toll on the city. The morale of the people was ravaged at the disappearance of a once great hero. He who swore to protect them in their darkest times. Yet when it arrived, he was nowhere to be seen. In these troubling times, the people needed something to believe in. Someone they could count on, to protect them from the things that went bump in the night. Someone, who would be able to fight off the mutated freaks and ego-maniacal eggheads who used their gifts for something truly terrible. They needed a [i]hero[/i]. Despite the pleas of the people, they would receive no hero. No, what they would experience was a terror spoken in hushed whispers. Something that they would assume was only a urban legend. A creature that did not care about the plight of these pitiful apes, and only wished to cause destruction. Of course Pterrordactyl was already doing that, in its glorified rampage upon the city. This left it open for a different sort of terror, something more inconspicuous. Blrblbubblrubblub, Slimey, or also commonly, 'What the HELL is THAT?' as it was so called took this position in Coast City. The green blob slithered under the cover of nightfall, moving in and out of the dead end alley. Of course it left a wet-trail behind as it maneuvered in and out. The creature was only concerned with one thing and one thing only. [i]Food.[/i] Slimey needed to eat. It needed to consume. The city landscape had oodles of food, but Slimey craved something more [i]substantial[/i]. The sound of a kitten mewing sparked up Slimey's interests. The creature proceeded to slide in the direction of the sound. Going further in an alleyway, where a few doors led a small grey cat with a pink bow still lodged in its collar began moving out. In the distance there was a cry from a young girl, "Mittens! Mittens where are you!?" The grey furred creature flicked up its ears as it paused. Slimey knew what it had to do. It was fight or flight. That thing, that made the louder noise gave it the opportunity to strike. Quickly slithering up behind the kitten the slime caught it off guard. It was then the young girl arrived. She was no older than six or seven years of age, with twin pig-tails. She saw as the Blrbl had caught the kitten. It was yelping in agony, as Slimey was dissolving the flesh from its bones. The girl watched in utter terror as the creature was beginning in the consumption of her loyal companion. She immediately ran back the way she came, "MOOOOOOOOOOMMMY A T-THING IS EATING MITTENS!" Slimey heard more, and louder footsteps. This delicious and succulent meal, may had to be cut short. At least Slimey felt bigger, and stronger. It would hunt better prey in time. But for now, Slimey had to flee.