Rae'liel - [u]The Not-so-Honored Guest[/u] Groaning softly in pain as she was hefted to her knees and her hands were bound behind her back, the lecturing from the captain came to here ears as little more than muffled nonsense. Her senses were beginning to dull from the blood she lost and her head hung as she was helpless but to watch her blood begin to pool at her knees. Blinking blearily as another person joined the crowd, the new voice spoke her name. The mention of her name helped her regain her focus as she grit her teeth, the sharpened pain in her abdomen drawing to a point as even with her hands bound, she channeled Holy Magic. Her senses were once again acute, and she knew all too well what she stood before. While the humans and their despicable Death Knight leader might have considered themselves the victors, the story was simply just beginning. Above in the sky, one of the burning Copters crashed into the rooftop masonry of the fortress as its Pilot burned alive. Taking with him a handful more of White Hand Magi that had lit his craft ablaze. More importantly, the payload that he carried had arrived at the destination as Rae'liel had ordered. The crash echoed through the halls of the Fortress, and Rae'liel knew all too well what it was, and even in this dire situation as she sputtered more blood from between her lips, she cracked a grin that was frightening at best and utterly horrifying in its determination at worst. [color=662d91]"Death Knight, we meet at last."[/color] She spoke softly at first, as holy magic rippled subtly throughout her underneath her armor. The grave wound that she had been dealt ceased its flow of blood, and the pistol round that had once been lodged in her stomach rolled into the depths of her armor. The presence of darkness immediately in front of her had granted her new volition and strength. It was only natural, she was a Paladin after all. All evil must be stopped at any cost. Floors above in the Copter, the Kamikaze Pilot's burning hand grasped a button, and pressed it. With such a final motion, electrical circuitry fired through the aircraft and coalesced into a single point. An absolutely massive magical located in the heart of the craft. With it, a massive amount of magical energy channeled into a focusing iris came to a point, and then erupted into a calamitous rupture that vaporized anything that dared to be in range of it. To include the dozens of poor fools who had crowded around the burning craft to put out the fire. Though it may not have held the same kind of power of the bomb that decimated Theramore, anything that was in range of it, at least half the fortress itself would suffer damage beyond imagining as it was consumed in a crackling arcane light. It mattered not which was in the way of this wave of desolation. All would be lost in this earth-shattering roar of vengeful destruction, steel, flesh, bone and stone would all perish. So calamitous was this, but it missed the party at hand by good fortune. Half of the Fortress was consumed in literal hellfire, and in this sudden distraction, Rae'liel found her opportunity. Her bound hands clenched into fists, and a burning holy fire ruptured outward from her form. Simultaneously, her two remaining Knights launched themselves into their captors in desperation as enemies who stood within twenty feet of her were consumed in holy flames. The ropes about her wrists burned, and she dove for her shield and sword. Parrying a blow from the suddenly alerted Captain, Rae'liel swung her shield upward and clipped his chin with the edge of the barrier, disorienting the man. Within the blink of an eye, her blade sunk into the depths of his chest past the collarbone, bringing his life to an end as she kicked him off her blade. A burst of magic struck her, and she spun while the embers on her arms still burned. Turning to the Mage that had turned the tide of the initial fight. Instantly, her sword-arm through the blade through the air, and it whistled menacingly so before it struck him in the chest, impaling him as he fell with little more with a whimper. With her Knights back in the fight against the other Knights in a graceful dance to which they would knowingly die. They were here as a sacrifice to bring a greater evil to an end. Eye to eye on now more even terms, the still injured Sin'Dorei glowered at Sherpa before taking the fallen Captain's sword. Her wounds burned, they ached with utter misery, but here in this moment, it mattered not. [color=662d91]"I am not here for your brother, you fool. I am here for [i]you[/i]. Prepare yourself, servant of the Scourge."[/color] She was eye to eye with evil. The kind of evil that had brought her home to its knees ages ago. Valiantly she charged across the distance with her sword and shield on high, honorably she moved across the distance with burning conviction. She drew within close range of Sherpa, and she sought to bring her sword down upon him to cleave the accursed abomination in two.