Mikkish quickly forgot about the pretty redhead girl and looked around at the crewmen and other passengers. [i]'Man, what a bunch of fuckin wierdos.'[/i] He thought [i]'Though what can I expect. A magic voyage? To a magical island with magical treasure?'[/i] But it was real. All real. And yes, it was happening. He was on the boat. It could all be a sham, and maybe they were all going to be sold as slaves to some obscure country, but fuck it. He himself really did have something like magic. He set things on fire. He could be much stronger. And if he was like that, surely he wasn't the only one. Mikkish was full of himself, but not THAT full of himself. Some had to have convinced these other passengers, and if this was a sham, these crewmen were probably in for a big shock. And then.... Like a light switch flicking on, land appeared suddenly on either side of the boat. Land. The boat was all of a sudden in a wide-enough river. And to each side was land. On this land, a lush, deep jungle filled the surroundings, and mountains could be seen at a distance. This...shocked Mikkish.