[center] [h1][color=f7976a]~Meredith Hillard~[/color][/h1] [color=f7976a]~Your average space alien Horror~[/color] Meredith sat on a bench near where the tram stopped to let the students off. Well, as close to sitting as she would ever come to. Currently, she was sitting on her heels, in a manner that people would probably call 'owling'. If that wasn't odd enough, she was currently slowly chewing on a carrot that was sticking out from her mouth, and spinning a leek in her right hand as she waited for the new students to arrive. She was wearing black stockings, a black cap with gloves the color of rust - or blood, whatever she was in the mood for saying. Her shirt was a white button up top, with the first button remaining undone. Over it, she wore a black jacket with long sleeves and a black corset, making her blond hair contrast quite noticeably with her dark clothes. In all though, she looked quite out of place compared to the stark white walls of this facility. She wasn't much a fan of the decor, to be honest. She preferred something less government labish looking. The place made her feel like she was going to be dissected and studied instead of being the one [i]doing[/i] the dissecting. She was told to greet the new students, or at least be here when they arrived so that someone could keep an eye on them. And what better way to do that, than to have a what could only be described as a possibly psychotic eldritch horror scare them into submission if they misbehave? Of course, not that she'd actually do that. She tried to avoid conflict, lest she get a tad bit carried away. Nasty bit of business if that happened, and she wasn't up for killing a bunch of kiddies. Well, not today anyways. Swallowing the last of the carrot - even the green leafy bits, she turned her attention to the rails a few feet away from her, still spinning the leek in her hand. The tram, railcar, subway, or whatever you wanted to call it should be coming any moment now. She hoped anyways, and she was getting bored. Maybe she'd just leave them here and go mess with one of the others...no, that was a bad idea. She should stay put for now. Oh well, at least she had a tasty leek on her. With a happy giggle, she chomped down on the vegetable with a pleased smile and slowly chewed while she continued to wait. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=00aeef][h3]~Alexis Sinclair~[/h3] ~Audiophile~[/color] The vehicle in question, was moving speedily along its designated course, carrying the new students its destination. The Herculean Academy for Aspiring Superheroes. It was mostly quiet, for now. That was likely going to change soon, however as the tram was nearing the end of its destination. Students were going to be waking up soon - which meant more than a few were probably going to start making a ruckus over being drugged before being brought here. The Academy had to keep its location a secret, of course. Not even the students could know its true location. One student in question, was dozing quite loudly in her seat on the car. Her snoring would probably wake the dead, if there was such a super power as that. She was wearing a white hoodie, most likely not wearing a shirt underneath. She was wearing torn and ragged looking jeans that looked to be a few years old, and she was wearing some well worn sneakers that seemed she seemed to have gotten a lot of use out of. Her hair, was almost pitch black in color, though electric blue streaks ran through the short, messy looking hair. The most noticeable thing though, was the headphones hanging around her neck. They were a dark blue in color, and had a stylized 'A' on the sides of them. They were customized, and her favorite pair, and they were currently hooked up to her Ipod...which was set on a timer to start playing the loudest track she had on there. With a startled yelp as the music blared [i]very[/i] loudly out of her headphones, she woke up, shooting straight up in her seat before losing her balance, causing her face to meet the floor of the tram as she groggily tried to register what the hell just happened. With a yawn, she rubbed her head, not moving from where she laid on the floor as she woke up from her drug induced nap, trying to recall how exactly she got into an underground subway..tram, wherever the hell this was. ...where was she anyways? She sat up with another yawn, sleepily rubbing an eye as she sat cross legged right in the middle of the floor. She looked like she was on some underground subway of sorts. Did she fall asleep or something while she was doing errands?...No, that can't be right. Maybe...oh, right. It was starting to slowly come back to her. Her mom had made her decide to go to some stupid hero academy, and then they had the nerve to [u]drug[/u] her before they brought her in here. She didn't recall all the details, but she fairly sure she remembered something like an elevator or something, but other than that, she couldn't recall the details of how she got here, or ever where 'here' was. Instead of pondering something useless, however she gave an annoyed sigh, and stood up. The thing had windows, but all she could see was blackness when she looked out of them. Well, that didn't help her. She wasn't going to go around blasting things either. She may have preferred doing that, but from the sounds this thing was making it was going pretty fast and she'd rather not become a red splat on the side of a wall. With an annoyed sigh, she pulled her headphones over her hears as she rubbed a sore spot on her head from where she had landed on the floor, and waited. Something was bound to happen soon enough, she's get some answers then.[/center]