Snow white mist seeped out from the pod doors as they slowly started to open, the figures shadowy form slowly coming into view as the Professor spoke once again to try and reassure Glass of what they were doing, after all they were not fools by any measure and had destroyed more than their fair share of incomplete androids in the past. [b]"Don't worry so much, ohohoho."[/b] He pushed up his glasses with a smile crossing his lips. [b]"It turns out that this android here was fitted with a sort of control collar to stop it disobeying orders. All it took was a few tweaks here and there in the programming of the collar to make it recognize us as its superiors. It should do just as we say, hopefully." [/b]At that final word of slight doubt, likely the reason Glass was even invited here, the pod had fully opened. Grabbing the side of the pod Android #00 pulled herself out, her eyes flicking open to show the pupil-less shade of violet staring directly towards Glass. The collar around her neck looked sort of like armor and matched the rest across her body, the words I.L.O.S printed on it just below the reconcilable RR of the Red Ribbon Army. Stepping up to the girl the professor decided to test out their little reprogramming [b]"Android #0 raise your left hand"[/b] She remained still, still staring to Glass, causing the old man to rub the back of his head. [b]"Hmm... Android #13 raise your left hand."[/b] With that she did so, her hand raising straight up in a sort of salute. [b]"See. Harmless! Ohohohoho~ What wonders we could learn from such a advanced android. Our models may look advanced but they were never meant for combat you see." [/b] Suddenly the android stepped forward towards Glass. [color=8493ca]"Piccolo, where is the location of Son Goku. Tell me and I will not kill you."[/color] Her voice was soft, gentle and yet robotic in nature, the same as for her expressionless face. [b]"what?! Asiz check on the locks."[/b] She had not made a move but everyone was on edge as Asiz inched forwards to try and plug the device into her armor, however at the moment he tried he was suddenly swept aside by the androids back hand blow! [color=8493ca][b]"If you do not know, I will blow up this entire building." [/b][/color]