Following close behind Glass she would soon find herself confused by the fact that they were not going near any of the palces that had been uploaded to her about where to find Son Goku apart from the location of his home which was not that far... In fact it felt like they were heading towards a pretty old location, Goku's farther's house? Slowly falling to earth #0 took a look around for a moment. This place was different. [color=8493ca][b]"What happened here? Are you sure Son Goku is here?"[/b][/color] The house didn't look like a house anymore, it looked built up more, more like it was a monument than anything else. ----- Both of Glass's sons got their farther's message. They had been training together at the time, and other than affirming with their dad what he needed them to do, they both nodded wordlessly to each other as they fully understood there was no time for words if their farther of all people was asking them to get help. With a burst of energy they flew off in different directions to consult the schools.