Rena was truly beginning to become fearful, Noboyuki wasn't looking good, still early in the battle and he was covered in scratches, nothing serious, she uttered a small prayer for their good fortunes, so far that is. "It is not an angel, we are facing Joungha the Corpse Taker, it used to be worshiped by the tribal people who used to reside near here. Joungha is not a common demon, he is a forgotten deity... a malicious one." Rena tugged on Noboyuki's arm, trying to pull him to eye level, she wanted to fully covey the dire situation they were in through the solem gaze in her own eyes. "You cannot fight this alone, especially without your divine powers, the better part of valor is knowing when to run. No amount of gold is worth this." Rena prayed beyond all hope that Noboyuki will listen to her wisdom, although he had been known to be stubborn, and there was their crafted relationship to consider as well...