As her arm was knocked away the ki blast destroyed a tree near by the boy, causing him to fly to the side, though relatively unharmed by the way he spoke.[color=f9ad81][b] "What was that for?! You crazy lady!"[/b][/color] He shouted at the android, though her attention was now on Glass.[color=8493ca][b] "My objectives are clear..."[/b][/color] The armor flashed once again, as her arms raised into a fighting stance and a aura burst around her. [color=8493ca][b]"You have just become one of them. Please, die fast." [/b][/color] The ground cracked below her as she pushed off to dash towards Glass, her hand coming from the right to attempt to slam into his arm before she would follow up with a flurry of blows, they may have been predictable but they had a ton of power behind them, and with the armor protecting her own body she had little need to defend her body other than her head!