[B]"If I were some kind of big shot hero like those you often see in animes, I'd refuse to back down."[/B] Noboyuki said, and quickly turned around, averting from Rena's gaze and barely deflecting another attack of Joungha. A god, huh? Well, that was troublesome. What kind of f'd up group would worship that, though? [B]"But I have some more common sense than those guys. Any amount of hard work and guts won't get us out of this."[/B] Noboyuki jumped back, putting some distance between the two of them. [b]"We'll run on my signal... 1...2...3, GO!"[/B] He shouted, turned around and started running full speed. He'd have taken the princess' hand, weren't it for the fact that he knew she was quite capable of running away by herself. Still, as he was running away, he felt something taking his leg and cutting off a big part of his ankle. It would be impossible for him to cure instantly, and maybe the fact that he was dragged back to where the beast was had deactivated the protection of Rena. He DID drag him around a good bit, after all. His tail was way larger than what one would think. Trapping Noboyuki under its body and roaring at him, Noboyuki somehow taught it was it for him. But there was no way he could let the princess get involved. Joungha approached him and opened what seemed to be its mouth. Noboyuki felt scared, but more than anything, he was angry. There was no way he would let it end like this. [B]"Bastaaaard!"[/B] With his sword, he slashed right at its face, but before he could get to it, Joungha put its hand on the way. However, and somewhat miraculously, Noboyuki cut through its hand and it fell to the ground. It didn't wail, neither did it let out a loud voice of pain, but it merely looked at its hand, or where it used to be. It was surprised, at the very least, Noboyuki noted that. It was his chance. He slipped out of below it and ran away to the hamlet yet again. He'd be able to talk things with Rena after that.