Thank the Gods Noboyuki actually had the sense to run, Rena was worried she would've had to do something stupid and drastic to hold the hero back. She waited for his signal when to run, able to trust his judgement, after all he was the one who handled combat. She was ahead of the man as they fled from the scene, an after thought was what if Joungha decided to chase after then, he probably wouldn't have a hard time running them down. Whatever that didn't matter, she kept up her mad sprint through the thick underbrush, the rough growth tried its best to halt her progress but she didn't have any of that. Finally she stopped at the edge of the woods, the soft glow of the hamlet just on the horizon. Joungha was a being of darkness, even the simple candlelight would be more than enough to chase the god away. Rena turned to face Noboyuki... problem was that the man turned out to be missing. It was then she outwardly started to openly panic, somehow he must've gotten trapped by something, maybe even Joungha managed to capture him. The worse part is since he gotten separated from her... oh he was vulnerable without her protection. The thought drove Rena deeper into her panic, she paced back and forth anxiously debating on what she should do. She perked up at a distance roar, it had be that cursed creature, what did that roar mean? Could've meant nothing, or maybe frustration, or maybe even in victory. Rena stood in place, seemingly paralyzed, no, he wasn't dead. It would take a lot more to end Noboyuki's life, not with his spirit. She finally absolved to take some kind of action, the heir crouched down in order to grasp a branch, undoubtedly useless against Joungha, but it was something in her hand. Before Rena was about to rush back for her partner, there was nearby rustling before long the silhouette of a man appeared from beyond the forest, it took her a moment to register who it was, Noboyuki! "You're alive! Oh thanks the fortunes above, you're still alive!" Rena broke out into a laughter, of course one of relief, but also to discharge the large amount of nervousness that built up. "I..I lost you, I knew you didn't have your protection, and with Joungha out there I just assumed the worse. I'm relived, you didn't die." She fully knew her act was gone, she never expressed herself truthfully like this before, yet that didn't matter. Rena softly whispered at the end, being barely audible, [i]"I wouldn't know what to do if you died...[/i]