Noboyuki was glad to hear Rena so earnestly worried about him, but, honestly, there was no time to be doing that. God only knows, pun intended, what that Joungha might try now that he sliced up his hand. Noboyuki didn't stop running even for a second and took Rena's hand and brought her with him inside the hamlet. [B]"Doesn't matter right now! RUN!"[/B] It was just an instant action he pulled there, he didn't even really think about it. After a while from running while dragging Rena around with him, they finally arrived to the hamlet. The owner seemed worried, but Noboyuki just told him to back away as soon as he approached them. Now, being able to catch his breath, Noboyuki crawled to the nearest sofa he could sit on and then let himself just... relax there... The tension and adrenaline suddenly left all of his body and he became truly relaxed now. Seemingly, Jonghua didn't follow them there. He hoped, at the very least. [B]"It's good that you were worried about me. Makes me feel-!"[/B] And now, without the tension and adrenaline from before, his foot finally started hurting as it should. [B]"Craaaaap! Ow.... This hurts... like hell..."[/B] It was truly something, just how much it hurt. He didn't let even a tear escape his eyes, though. He hurried to take his pants off his wound. It was really fugly, definitely so. The whole back of his feet aside from his talon had been cut off. The claws of that thing weren't anything to toy with. He was surprised at how he could even run here. [B]"Don't look, Rena."[/B] He said, covering his wound with his hand. [B]"Go get some bandages. And maybe some alcohol."[/B]