Name: Arcadius 'Magi' Innocenti Photo: [IMG][/IMG] Age: 25 Gender: Male Abilities: Arcadius is a master at all elemental spells, proficient in others such as time and healing. He can cast most magic thanks to his families ancient Grimore, and enhance them further by channeling them through his staff. He can summon his Grimore at will, more often than not he is seen carrying the massive book studying it's arcane pages. He is much stronger than his frail figure makes him look, the book he is carrying weighing nigh 100 pounds. The book itself was enchanted with a spell to make it weigh more so as it would be MUCH harder for a thief to make off with it, should they live long enough to incapcitate any member of his family. How could you work in a team: Support, Heavy Infantry, You name it. Personality: Arcadius is one to keep to himself, a mysterious and silent fellow. He is not known to speak much outside of casting his magic, and if he did it's not more than a few sentences before he's back to studying his families Grimore and ignoring the hell out of you. It has been known in the rare occurances where he allows you to be his friend that he will actually talk to you like you exsist, and that he is a pretty funny guy. History: Arcadius grew up around magic, his entire family powerful magic users for hundreds of years. His families Grimore consisting of thousands of pages of magical knowledge over the years, his family name something of a legend amongst magic users. Ever since he could walk he was made to learn magic. His parents died when he was 16, at which point he enrolled in the Mana-Script academy to hone his magic skills as well as so he would have a decent place to live. Ever since his parents died no one could get more than a few words out if him, save for the rare occurances of him having a 'friend' who turned out to be nothing more than a thief after his families rather valuable Grimore. And now here he is, 25 and still at the academy.