Name: Peter Ross Alias:Spider-Man Spider-Girl Ravager Red Hood Arsenal Role: Titan Brief Bio: Coming From Paralel Universe Peter Parker was a head scientist at Project Cadmus, who also doubled as the Superhero, Spider-Man. While attempting to create a clone from the DNA of Super-Soldier (an individual possessing all of the powers, and some elements from both Captain America & Superman), Peter was killed in a lab accident, and the ensuing explosion damaged the cloning technology. The Cloning Apparatus fell on top of Peter's corpse, and as a result, a 17 year old clone of Peter emerged from the wreckage.The head of the project, General Thunderbolt Ross, felt sorry for the clone, and responsible for the boy's welfare. Ross legally adopted him (giving the boy the last name of Ross) and names him Peter (after his genetic template). Peter and his "Uncle Gen" were a happy family until General Ross is killed by a mugger. Peter swears that he will face danger and make himself the center of attention so others wouldn't have to be, feeling he had been dismissed as just a boy during the incident. Inspired by his spider-like abilities, he fashions a costume and called himself Spider-Boy. Abilities: Same Powers as Spider-Man but his spider sense is not on yet... Personality:In order being a clone of Peter Parker He has his jokes friendlyness and responsibility.He is bad at making tough desicions. He loves his beloved ones and covers his teammates Appearance: url= Affliation:Spider-Man Spider-Girl Ravager Red Hood Arsenal Titans Avengers Other: His webbing is not organic he has Peters web shooters