Fin looked up with startled eyes as she found the flaming tree branch. She looked around, trying to see if there was another pyrokenetic here and why they would be lighting a tree on fire. She had been practicing her pyrokineis for two years now and easily remembered a spell to extinguish the flames. After they passed she turned back to the tree and watched the fire die slowly after casting her spell. Just as she was turning back around the host came to a halt. She fell to the boat floor with an audible 'Uumph' and slid partially across the slick floor. She saw the water quickly filling the boat and decided getting off was her best option. She began searching in the distance- something that she could move to make a makeshift bridge to land. She notices a fallen tree- it was thinner but it would have to do. Water was one thing Finley hated and she preferred not to drown on her first day here. Fin focused on the tree, attempting to cast her magic on it, but it wouldn't move. She kept her focus and it inched along the ground for a moment, until the cold water on her anckles made her lose focus and dhr dropped the spell.