Alright, here we go. [hider] Icarias Leversol Race: Human Age: 37 Description: Icarias is a human of slightly taller than average build. He is thin, but not unhealthily so, and his posture is often slouched due to years of pouring over various books. His hair is auburn and he wears it very long, usually tossed about his head in a manner that is clearly unkempt, but seems to be so in an orderly manner. His eyes are vibrant green in color, and his features have a rounded sharpness to them, particularly his ears. He typically wears normal, everyday clothing underneath a blue colored longcoat. When asked why he doesn't wear magister's robes, his reply is usually "Have you ever tried to move with any sort of alacrity in those things? It's asking for it, trust me." Biography: Icarias was born in Goldshire close to four decades ago, though no midwife in the region can recall being summoned to his home for the delivery. He never knew his mother, who vanished swiftly from his home shortly after his birth, leaving him to be raised by his single father amidst the farms, the mines, the hills, and the great battles of 40 Gnomes against a single, particularly buff gnoll named Hogger. What he discovered, however, was that he didn't much care for hefting hay bales or caring for livestock. He was much more inclined to stay at home and read books. A couple of townsfolk joked that he would turn out to be one of those mages that live in towers and cast spells before laughing it off. They stopped laughing when he accidentally lit part of a corn field on fire because some kids through a rock at him. Icarias' previously unknown talent for magic was strange; nobody in his father's family had any sort of gift like that. His father seemed to vaguely imply his mother had great skill in the art, but as usual he was mum on the details about her. Still, regardless of the source, he would have to be trained, else he might cause serious damage. And, as it so happened, a woman had been staying at the inn overheard the discussion, said she was quite skilled in magic herself, and offered to train the boy if he accompanied her through Redridge Mountains. Naturally suspicious, Icarias' father conferred with the woman in private about the matter. When they were finished, they put the offer to Icarias himself, who reluctantly agreed. He never talks much about what happened on that trek through the mountains. Suffice to say that when he returned five years later, at age 20, he had a degree of mastery over the arcane that few mages possessed even at thrice his age. From that point, Icarias dedicated himself and his abilities to helping those in need. He spent the following decade journeying across the southern half of the Eastern Kingdoms, providing assistance where he could, and taking more than a few fledgling mages under his wing. Eventually, he settled down in Stormwind proper, making a living as a magic tutor and enchanter for hire. Both businesses, he found, were very rough and made it difficult to really make ends meet. He could only stomach magically conjured bread for so many meals per day, after all. So, when a group calling themselves the White Hand offered him far more than a decent sum of money to come and train some of their younger mages in the finer points of wielding phenomenal cosmic power, he agreed rather quickly. It was only a matter of time before he started pyroblasting wild pigs again for his dinner, after all. [/hider]