Brandy blinked as he listened intently to what the parasite had to say, amazed that such a little parasite could take control over such a giant man. They must be very close to be able to do such a thing. "I can fully synchronize with Gale and have the ability to completely take over," he began, drawing circles in the dirt with the tip of the obsidian blade, "but I nearly killed her father when he was my wielder by doing it. I don't think he and I were as compatible as us, though." He slipped the sheath's strap off of his shoulders and held it by the sword, speaking, "He retired me to my sheath for years. I wasn't used from the time that she was born because he wanted to keep his family away from me. Though it hurt knowing that I was not exactly welcome, I understand why. Handling that much power from a parasite at such a young age, even Gale's age, is dangerous." Brandy felt a tiny bit scared of the fact that if the host of this parasite had been a Gigan, he would probably be bigger than Ash. "Him as a Gigan? Now there's a scary thought. The male Gigans typically outgrow most female Gigans," he commented, turning in the roommate's direction, "I think Ash over there is actually the shorter one of her kind." The parasite was suddenly taken aback by the offer of the coat, but with slight reluctance, he accepted the coat and managed to slip it on over Gale's lithe form. Considering how small she was and how big the coat was, it probably looked silly, but what did that matter so long as his host was warm and happy? "Oh wow, thank you," he managed to say, fluffing his host's purple pompadour. "I have no idea why she wears this attire despite the temperature, but it's not necessarily my body or choice, so I can't judge," he sighed, giving the parasite a small smile. "I'm Brandy Station, by the way. I heard his name is Angus, but what is your name?" he inquired, tapping on Gale's chin before noticing that the soldier in Ash's grip was passed out. "Oh, I suppose it's time for Gale and Ash to leave for Meridian. Say, why not come with us? It's probably safer up in the city than it is in Little Innsmouth at the moment." Gale woke up only for a moment to speak to him through her mind, sighing softly. "That statement is incorrect in every possible way."