In the clutches of the android, Glass felt his energy begin to drain away into the android, his fighting showing less impact as he fought. When a blue light flashed, the Namekian panicked as he realized it was the child who had come to save him, but fell back to a more comfortable distance as felt the familiar energies of Masters Sho and Yi interrupt. Landing beside him, his two sons Silic and Sodius arrived. "Finally. That android has the ability to absorb energy, don't let yourself get caught." Glass' two boys nodded, their expressions serious. A sense of pride welled up inside the elder Namekian, but it was swiftly squashed before it became a distraction. "Silic, you're on distraction. Use energy attacks when there's an opening. Sodius, you're with me." With that, the two Namekians charged, Glass going left while his son went right. With his energy drained, the elder was at an even bigger disadvantage than before, possessing hardly anymore energy than his son. One thing he did have was experience. Gathering energy in his eyes, a brilliant light flashed as he came face to face with the enemy once again, and began the now familiar exchange of blows. [hider=Silic][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Sodius][img][/img][/hider]