The skeletal bartender failed to respond to John Doe, John Doe just grabbed a couple of beers, binge drinking beer constantly since he really had nothing else to do Besides its not like its unhealthy? it was actually quite tasty...and then a weird feeling in his head felt numb..and dumb...well...numb..and also...very dumb...and numb...and very dumb..well Numb and uhh....that other thing. Now the world was blurry, John Doe felt funny and he decided to be funny!, John Doe gotten off of his bar stool and started searched the area for random things, Grabbing some 16 year old's Sword [@Warlord297] , a couple bottle of beer, 3 bar stools, a chainsaw he happened to find on the ground, and a entire table, John Doe struggled to carry them all and went to the bar counter, stepping his right foot onto it and using it to help himself get up, Staggering and drunk John Doe yelled out in a slurry voice [b]Hello Good people of the hotel, today I shall show you the magnificent power of the arcane magic![/b] Arcane magic didn't exist, John Doe just yelled it out just because it sounds cool. he then grabbed the chainsaw, balancing the other things on his head as he started the chainsaw, causing a loud VRRM that startled everyone in the room, causing crowds to leave in fear, Stay just because they don't know what to do, and making bets, But for sure, everyone that was still there was hiding under a table just so they can have a sliver of protection John Doe then thrown all of the things in the air, throwing the chainsaw that is on in a arc, grabbing all of the things that fall and propel them into the air again, Juggling them all, first he was staggering, failing and people were beginning to leave, and then with a surge in power John Doe Excells in juggling them, increasing in speed and soon nobody can even see the objects except for a tiny blur of things going up and down in a circle, the crowd was getting amazed..truth is, John Doe was a amazing juggler when he was drunk, but a absolutely crappy one when sober