[quote=@The Captain] I know it'd be an inconvenience but is there any possible way Cold and I could have our general nation locations swapped? I don't particularly like my new locale's site in relation to Khumer due to what I had been brewing up in regards to landmarks. In particular I really wanted to use that eastern tributary as an [url=http://puu.sh/gHZXT/7e1bf261d1.jpg]elevated river[/url] used as a highway of sorts by the old Sorcerer-Kings of Famarqud to circumvent the hostile tribesmen of the jungles on the way east to Khumer. Furthermore, the map topography surrounding the southern river is much more distinctly arid, as far as I can tell, which is quite suiting to my nation. The north looks a bit more lush and comfy. I mean, worst comes to worst, I could make do. I don't know what continuity Cold has running for him in his current location and all. I feel like it's unfair to drop this on the two of you considering how slow I was to actually put up a work-in-progress, but yeah. [/quote] The southern portion of my country is predominantly covered in rainforest. I told Sini I wanted to be in the South a while ago but forgot to state this in the OOC so I understand how this messed things up. However, I am not emotionally attached to my current location so I do not mind a switch as long as I still get to have my precious jungles.