3rn was in her room, she preferred to avoid people as much as possible. Inevitably some idiot would refer to her as an Elf, whatever that was. She was on probation for punching the last idiot who did that. To pass time she usually read about Earth or worked out. Today she was doing her usual exercise routine while she listened to recordings that taught Spanish. Alexis had her face buried into a microscope while writting notes on a tablet. John one of the lab technicians was supposed to be busy but he spent most of the time staring at Alexis. Alexis recieved a call from one of the members from the team working on the age regression, so she clicked a device imbedded in her head. "Cornwright. ...... Then order more. ..... Then be more careful. ........ No he can't test it on himself. .......... Then tell the drunk to go home and never come back. ......... " Alexis hanged up & rolled her eyes. "Imbeciles. John get me some more samples." John wasn't paying attention. Alexis turned around. "John what did I tell you the last time you were caught staring at my ass?" John mumbled an apology. Alexis grabbed his arm and injected him with a drug cocktail. "You will not be attracted to anyone until I give you the antidote. Now get back to work creep."