[@ScarlettWaters16][@pure493] Just as the hoverbike lifted to try to prevent the crash, the cyborgel girl used the momentum to leap off. The water which had been carrying the Russian was dropped and her surprisingly light body was flung at great speeds into the air. The water she had been using flung her further upwards, giving the illusion she had jumped a great distance... right into the open space of the helicopter capturing the live feed for the breaking news. The cameraman and reporter gasped, the live footage playing on all available screens turned to the station. Lee's body wobbled as the Helicopter struggled to regain it's composure. Though the reporter was shrinking back in uncertain fear and the pilot could be heard in the background trying to ask what the hell was happening, she gave no mind. She grabbed the lens of the camera, jerking it down so she can look closer at it. Her eyes flicked back and forth as she tried to assess what it was, her green irises mimicking her movement on all the screens. Then her face hardened into a stony gaze. She began to speak. "[i]Vos habere potuit in salutem. Habebis ignis.[/i][b]I am awake."[/b] [@NuttsnBolts] [b]"I am awake."[/b] To any demon or creature of the supernatural, the translation of what the cyborgel had said came easily. [i]"You could have had salvation. Now you will have fire."[/i] After what was said, the green haired girl leapt back and fell backwards out of the helicopter. The baffled reporter and cameraman gasped, and leaned over the edge of the helicopter on the screen to watch the cyborgel soften her landing with the torrent of water she still had in her control, and run into a casino where the wall had fallen due to the the crash. After she went in nothing could be seen. [Tentative NPC unlocked, Mr. Kagome] Mr. Kagome's eyes were locked on the screen. It couldn't be. It was impossible.... then he heard his employee screaming at him. However, as his eyes dropped to her, he didn't know how to open his mouth. What did this mean... What did this mean...?!? He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. When he opened them, an orange hue overtook the shine of his eyes and he went to meet her. [i]"Shut up."[/i] He hissed under his breath as he put an arm around her and ushered her forcefully around the presentation area, hidden by the sheet upholding what the conference had been set up for. He whirled around to face her, half growling and half whispering. "I have no fucking clue what is going on. But this is [i]bad.[/i]" Understatement of the year. 20 years of enslaving angels. The checkmate of the deity they served. Now it was questionable. "It's one cyborgel but it's enough. The big man though... I wonder what he's going to do." He pulled back in thought. He of course referred to the CEO of all of Desium Corp... whom was coming to present what was to be done today. He shook his head and looked back at her, the orange in his eyes dying down. "After today it won't matter anyways." [@Ruki] Unf. Nice voice too. "Nah nah nah, youtube's got lotsa stuff. I know what I'm doing. Mostly." She was lucky to live where she did, in a sort of deserted alley she grunted as she heaved him up the stairs, a bit surprised by the weight. After much work, she was finally able to get all the way up and unlock her apartment from the outside to go in. At last, out of the rain which had stopped anyway for some reason and into the warm. Her TV was on, some news channel going over some breaking news was playing. It was an old style, set in a perfect sqaure. Everything about this room screamed her love for japanese culture. From the poster with half naked men in a pool to her print of a girl in a sailor uniform and obnoxiously long pigtails titled in sparkly font "Sailor Swoon" it would probably come to her guests sense that he certainly wasn't in Kansas anymore. She set him down on her futon bed and rushed to the bathroom to find her first aid kit. Near her bed numerous paintings hung on the walls, fading from a weeaboo style of decor to a messy artists room. All unique; some landscapes, some anatomy studies, one in particular a beautiful seascape with the faded image of a crying woman in the corner was artistically well done. Something poking his backside would be found to be a set of brushes and waacom pen. Nearby her laptop lay open with the tablet nearby to portray an unfinished drawing. In the background, the tv showed the face of a cyborgel speaking latin with the final words being; [b]"I am awake."[/b] [@Daxam][@Fairess] "eep...!" The pixiebot had lost. Her wings drooped down in sadness at her defeat and she curled her feet up against her. Her arms folded, but she spoke clearly and without anger. "Noire," Mareesa sighed, her wings twitching sadly. "Detective Jacobi Noire sent me. As for why---" Her senses were fired up and she stood up straight. Her eyes widened suddenly, and from them a hologram was being projected to display breaking news, something Jacobi had made sure she do so he could keep up with the current crimes. However, without her antenna, the footage was only coming in in the form of static, with only a few things showing through screen-cap like images. The would be able to catch certain things in the audio, which was also very dicey. "....Cross City Motorway... " "...hit a wall...." "...within a ball of water..." Green eyes shined onto them through the static. ""[i]Vos habere potuit in salutem. Habebis ignis.[/i][b]I am awake."[/b] And then the feed was cut. The pixiebot slumped over, whining. "Ow ow ow ow!! That hurt without my antenna!"