Jane, still focused on she and Ash's conversation, watched as she choked BE#1 into an unconscious state. As he joined his brother in dreamland, Ash asked Jane if she could be of assistance. She lightly kicked the body placed in front of her while Ash literally begged Jane to help. Her hands were clasped together and everything. Jane guessed Gale wasn't exactly good at lifting heavy objects all things considered. Ash also offered Jane food, which was one thing she could never refuse. [color=f26522]"Hmm. I guess I could help. But it's only cuz food is involved!"[/color] Jane joked, a grin plastered onto her pale face. With a grunt she picked up the body of BE#2 and lugged him over her shoulder. She wheezed a little, jeez all this military gear really weighed a person down. [color=fdc68a]"Jane!"[/color] Franky whispered, trying to get her attention. She placed him up against her ear to allow him a bit of privacy. [color=fdc68a]"I-I'm not sure we should be helping these guys. There with the Medici's, so...?"[/color] He stuttered, dancing around the issue. In all honest he just wanted to save his own bacon, but he couldn't do that without a host. [color=f26522]"Bah, it'll be fine Franky."[/color] She assured. [color=f26522]"So, where am I dragging this dude? Do you have a super secret base that we're dropping these guys off at? Or are we just gonna ditch them in some dumpster in New Meridian?"[/color] Jane asked, curious as to how formal the Medici operation was.