Rena was caught by surprise, wasn't too hard considering she was already knocked off of balance over concern for him. She didn't fight Noboyuki as he purposely lead her by the hand away from the horror that probably was hunting after them. They were going so fast, she barely had time to say anything, too busy trying to keep up. When they made it back to the taven she breathed a long awaited breath of relief, they were for sure safe now. Rena forgot about finding actual furniture to rest on, instead she sat down on the floor, anything was good enough. She leaned back, touching the front of the sofa, of which Noboyuki lied upon. She was attempting to calm down, relax and regain her composure, they were alive that's all that mattered. Noboyuki was about to go on about something, not that she was quite paying attention, not on purpose, only too tied. Suddenly he cried out in pain. His discarded parts were covered in blood, actually just one if the legs... that is a lot of blood. He shouted at her to stay away, Rena didn't listen. She shoved his blood soaked hands away, the sight was brutal. A whole chuck of his back foot was gone, it had to be from Jonghua. Why didn't Noboyuki say anything? She truly thought they survived unscathed. The owner of course heard the commotion, continuing to be helpful the man retrieved clean rags and the strongest alcohol he had in stock. Rena told herself to think him personally when this was over. She kept ignoring any resistance that have came from Noboyuki, as the examined the wound she became less hopeful for a full recovery. The wound was terrible, very deep and to the bone, in fact she found bone fragments scattered around the area, but no arteries were cut, plus he probably will get to keep his foot. Rena poured a some of the alcohol into a tankard, this was going to be painful. "Drink, please, some bone has been shattered I imgaine that's why you're in great pain. I need to remove the bone shards, you know that, so please try numbing yourself before I start."