[center][b]Name:[/b] Ret[hider=Why?]'Ret' is short for Retario. [/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LvjAKC8.jpg[/img][hider=Description] Brawny, unkempt and bearing a thick set of arms. One might easily mistake him as a brigand, afterall, who else dresses in fur, undyed linen and the preserved skull of a wolf? If they had noticed the tatterted book chained to his waist, it's bindings frayed where the adorning rusty, metal frilligree does not reach. -Brigands don't read.- Then it might dawn on the observer that they were dealing with a Magi of sorts. It is this very dilema that Ret uses to his advantage most of the time, it affords him some neutrality when nations are at war with one another and a moments pause when facing a bewildred enemy. But the truth is, he has no other clothes. A life spent in more rural parts of the world has left him little in the guise of civility. [img]http://i.imgur.com/6sn9ROb.gif[/img] [/hider] [b]Age[/b]: Looks to be in his early 30s.[hider=True Age] But is actually in his late 20s. [/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nation:[/b] Villager, Caer Pelyn [b]Class:[/b] Mage[hider=Who needs school!?]Being self taught for most part has slowed his capabilities with modern magic, he has learned the fundamentals from trial and error. [/hider] [b]Weapon Skill:[/b] Anima Magic D [b]Level:[/b] 3 [hider=Background]Life was Idlelic and the days atop the cloudy mountains of Caer Pelyn were .......Timeless. Beyond the reach of corrupt soldiers and petty politicians, was the quiet village of Caer Pelyn, a hub of flowing rainwater and stony forests nestled in the cradle between Rausten, Carcino and Jehenna. It was a paradise found for those who seeked refuge from more worldy things, and peaceful for those who lived there their whole lives. ...Save the occasional tantrums of dragons, of course. Still, even [b]that[/b] was nothing the villagers could not handle. But for young Retario - It was nothing but infuriating, 'Ret' was always someone whose curiosity got the better of him, who would look outside the box before he was even told that there was a box in the first place. After having a violent dispute that led to a fight with his grandparents when he was much younger, he ran away from home in a fit of anger, Ret has ever since explored, survived and lived in every wilderness that the mountains could offer using what he learned back in the village. But he somehow could never stray too far from home, sneaking back into civillization sometimes -only for supplies though (he claims adamantly). The biting knowledge that there is more out there remained ever vigil, Through those long periods of hardship he still chanced at every traveller who passed by, sometimes those who were lost or dying, then guiding them safely through it, all for the possibility of the reward -to be regaled by tales of distant lands. In a few years time Ret's whereabouts came to be known back by the villagers through word of his antics, inevitably, by his grandmother too, who had formerly thought him dead for a good few years. She was overcome with joy and accepted him back into society. His kinsmen were quick to warm up and constantly reminded him of the joys to be amongs amongst others, in time he even became the local Huntsman with people who actually needed him, A feeling he realized that he had secretly longed for. But slowly Dana's grip on him tightened. It was clear she would never let him leave, tripping his guilt whenever he brought up the slightest hint of him doing so. The years of relative solitude left him unused to the political nuances of village life and the schemes of the cunning hag. so there he remained tied down by his conscience, suffocating. It was until a band of merchants and weary travellers came months later, that he broke free. His wanderlust was fanned into a fire by their recounts, that it burned the web that once held him.They had inspired him to go out to prove his worth to the outer world, while life still hummed with vigor and he did not need a cane to walk. Ret sought this chance and left Caer Pelyn in secret, on a personal journey. It was then he met a band of Gradians and accompanied them on their travels, soon becoming steadfast friends as they made their way through the country on foot, seeing every crisis they met as a test of his HonoR. He honed his skills and built his strength through each of them, every wrong he righted made him feel more human, more alive. He became an eccentric but well-seasoned traveller himself in due time and many winters later, returning to his home amongst the mountains, sated, now with a small fortune and tales to call his own. But, to his shock, Dana had ordered him to be locked up while he was sleeping. However, as fate would have it, when news spread of the Grado war, he escaped with the help of a childhood friend who warned him of the peril soon to come. Caer Pelyn might have been where he was born, but Grado was no less a second home. [/hider] [b]Ability assessment:[/b][hider=What is he good at?] Ret has an innate understanding of the natural world from vast amounts of time spent wrestling for survival in the wilderness and it shows itself prominently in his skill of Anima Magic. To experience a storm first hand and learning through his own observations has led him to a very unique, or perhaps merely forgotten, path. His physical strength has also been built tremendously by living this way, along with his knowing of how to navigate deftly through trecherous terrain. But his time spent away fRom civillization has led to feeling uncomfortable in the trappings of cloth and the dealings with actual weapons, especially armor. He shuns such apparel and for that his defence suffers. The borrowed power of dark magic also disturbs him muchly, even though he has knowledge of it's mechanics from teachings at a young age, it feels unnatural and disdainful to this very day. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b][hider=Hider] Though quiet and reserved when dealing with strangers for the first time, to a slightly paranoid extent, he lightens up eventually - Ret is very determined once he makes his mind up about something and will see to it done if he ever makes a promise, Honor is extremely important to him and he lives by a code he rarely speaks of to others, in case they make use of him that way. This might be unusual, considering that this creed is fitting of a knight yet he seems to be something of (or nothing more than) a wildman who has never spent a single day in a castle, He is much more at home where he can see the stars. But most of all Ret is a free soul and he could never stand to see undeserving others being locked up or oppressed. [/hider] [b]Plot Susceptive?:[/b] Indeed. [b]Items and equipment:[/b] Thunder (labeled "Retario's Forecaster") Vulnerary (tinctured herbs) [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Others:[/b][hider=The more you know] -Quite the storyteller, he is quick to spice up any dull conversation with a tale or brag, especially if ever asked to. He enjoys listening to them too. -His wolf head helmet stays on even when he sleeps. -Ret is a mean and keen fisticuffer. He even punches trees to relieve stress. He thinks trees don't feel anything, but they are really forming a union against him. -Buildings that look the same are his bane. He gets lost in cities very easily. The tall ones induce his phobia of heights. Though being too colourful confuses him as well. Maybe he should be punching buildings instead. -Don't mention Dana in front of him. [/hider] [b]R-Summarization:[/b] A Mage from the rural mountains of Caer Pelyn, uncivillized yet seemingly the honorable sort.[/center]