The android was as predictable and slow as always, but the sheer foresight and armored form of it made it a hard nut to crack that much was for sure, that was under the tri beam blast slammed into it! Covering its form in blue and yellow light the android fell to the ground with a crash, breaking the ground form the sheer weight of its armor. The crane master did not stop there though and unloaded a salvo of ki blasts into the rising dust until he was stopped by master Sho.[b][color=7bcdc8] "That is enough. Can you not tell the girl is finished? I cannot sense her anymore"[/color][/b] Yi sighed [b][color=fff79a]"You are right. I was just making sure"[/color][/b] Not everyone knew of the androids unique trait it seemed. [b][color=7ea7d8][color=8493ca]"Ha... Hahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAAHA!"[/color][/color][/b] Suddenly a burst of laughter came form within the smoke as the sound of creaking and breaking metal could he heard by all. Within the smoke the form of the android could be seen standing as shards of metal fell from its body one by one, each one cracked and shattered by the assult Glass and his sons put against her. The beams were the final nail it seemed. [b][color=7ea7d8][color=8493ca]"Free!"[/color][/color][/b] The once expressionless face of the android now held a grin of excitement, and not only that but by this point power could he clearly sensed coming from the android! [color=7ea7d8][b][color=8493ca]"I don't think I really introduced myself.."[/color][/b][/color] Flexing a bit she knocked on the collar that still remained on her enck before looking right up to Glass[b][color=7ea7d8] [color=8493ca]"I am android 13... Nice to meet you Mr-not-Piccolo"[/color] [/color][/b] [b][color=fff79a]"Don't just stand there you fools! Finnish her off!"[/color][/b] Yi jumped into the air before Sho could stop him, readying another tri-beam and firing right at the android. [b][color=7ea7d8][color=8493ca]"Oh, this is going to be fun" [/color][/color][/b]Leaping right towards the beam a violet shield formed around her body as she cut through it, popping out right in front of his hand, fist raised. [b][color=7ea7d8][color=8493ca]"It is rude to interrupt!"[/color][/color][/b] With hat the fist connected with Yi's jaw, sending him flying into several trees, breaking them in the process. Within the blink of a eye she had vanished below to the boy and Sho, behind them so the Namekians could not hit her with ki blasts right now. Following her vanish she fell down to the ground, avoiding Sho's punch and duel kicking him into the air towards Glass! She was so much more fluid than before, even taking the distraction of the flying Sho to grab onto Gorin's tail and lift him up so he was eye level with her. It seemed the android had captured her objective. [color=fdc68a][b]"Let me go!" [/b][/color] The boy landed a punch onto her cheek, though she remained smiling [b][color=7ea7d8]"[color=8493ca]Heh, So be it.[/color]"[/color][/b] Tightening her grip on his tail it caused the boy to pass out form the pain, though unlike what the others suspected she would do she tossed him towards Yi who was just getting back up, sending him flat onto his ass. [b][color=8493ca]"Hold this. I am going to have some fun"[/color][/b] Reaching up she ripped the final piece of armor from her neck, the needles that were once stabbed into her now in pieces across the ground.